chapter 58

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It's mid March. Which means that it's been 2 months since Devin got arrested and 1 month since I slept with Cade. I still can't believe I slept with him. I don't remember that night at all after talking to Jaden. But anyways that also means that Asher, Mason and Tamera know what happened to me. I told them after I went to the house looking for Mathew. I told them everything and Tamera was pissed that Andrew and Mathew went talking to me. It's been 2 months since I told them. I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to talk to them both.

I go downstairs and check the whole house. Andrew isn't here. I go out to the garage and his car is gone. Thank god it's the weekend. I hop in my car and take the drive to my fathers house. I go up to the door. I put my keys in my pocket and take off my sunglasses. Tamera opens the door.

"Hey. Is he here? " She smiles sadly. And shakes her head.

"He's at the office. " I look down.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault he's distant. " I start but she cuts me off with a hug.

"It's not your fault. Don't ever say that. " She pulls back.

"You can go to the office. And please tell him to come home. I need to have a serious talk with him. " I nod. I say bye and go back to my car. I put my sunglasses back on and hit the road. I drive to Manhattan with 2 people in mind. Both mean so much to me. Both doing the exact same thing. I park at Starbucks and get a coffee. I then walk to my fathers building. Good thing I wore vans. I'm gonna be doing a lot of walking today. I enter the building. I go to the receptionist. I've been here before so she waves me over to the elevators. I smile and go to the top floor. I walk out and head down the hallway to see his personal assistant. Freddy.

"Hey Freddy. Is he in his office.? " I ask.

"Hi yes he is. But he's with the CEO of Smith incorporate. He's very busy right now. " I raise my eyebrow.

"No he's not busy right now. I'm going to see him. " I walk to his office and through the door with Freddy following me trying to get me to not go in there. The hell. They both turn to me.

"I'm so sorry sir. I tried to stop her. I can get sec- " Mathew cuts him off.

"No need. She's fine. "

"Yes sir. " Freddy leaves closing the door behind him.

"Good both of you are here. Now I won't have to make 2 trips thanks for that." Because they're both sitting in the chairs in front of Mathews desk I go and sit in the big comfy chair behind his desk. I lean my elbows on the desk.

"I don't know why you're here Andrew but you both can hear what I have to say. I told you both what happened. In detail. All from before I was born until I got of juvie. I needed you both during and after that trial. But you both weren't there. You left me alone all of the time. Did you even realize how miserable I've been. Oh you wouldn't know because you're never home. And you! Your family needs you. Do you not realize how upset your wife is that you don't come home anymore. It is embarrassing that you are sleeping in your office. Evelyn keeps asking when you're coming home and Asher almost down right despises you right now. Mason and Tamera are pissed on how you reacted to what I told you. You and Tamera need to have a serious talk. And you. Kai keeps texting and calling asking why your ignoring her. You're destroying a relationship before there even gets to be one. And now you both need to sit here and tell me why you're acting like this. Why you're avoiding me. And neither of you are leaving until you do. "


After 2 and a half hours of talking crying and apologies I finally found out why they were avoiding me. They were guilty. They were fucking guilty. Ugh eye roll. I understand their reasoning though. Right now I'm on my way to Brianas house. She called asked if we wanted to have a chill day. I pull up outside her 2 story house. I see Alexis and Nichol getting out of Nichols car.

"Hey girls. " I say. They hug me.

"Are you okay? " Alexis asks. I roll my eyes.

"Why does everybody ask me that? " I groan.

"We just want to make sure you're ok. We love you and don't like to see you upset. " Nichol says.

"Well I'm fine. I cornered my father and Andrew today at my fathers office. I'm good now. " I shrug. They nod.

"Come on. "We go up to the door and knock.

" It's open! "We hear. We walk in and see Briana, Isabella, and Jordan in the kitchen. Jaden laying face down on the floor with Caden laughing while standing above him.

" What is going on here? "Nichol asks. Jaden looks up and stares at us. We laugh at his face.

" Come on guys. If you break something you clean it up. My parents are coming home tomorrow. "Briana said coming into the living room. We all sit down and I sigh.

" Ivy called." Dylan mentions.

"What'd she say? " Isabella asks.

"She has some errands for us. But she said if you don't wanna do it then you can wait for the next one T." Dylan says. I nod.

"Yea I just don't want her to get pissed you know? I already had to tell her I couldn't do my other errands because I was involved with the police. " I push my hair behind my ear.

"Just call her. She'll be ok with it. " Alexis says. I nod.

"So I heard you slept with Asher. 'I say pointedly to Dylan. She freezes. She turns to looks at me.

" I'm sorry.... "She stops hergelf and I raise a eyebrow.

" Ok I'm not sorry but I was gonna tell you. "I smirk.

" I don't care anymore. I was pissed at first but it's ok. "I say. Isabella stands up.

" Let's watch a movie! " We all agreed and she goes and picks out Titanic. I groan as well as the boys. This is gunna be a long night.

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now