chapter 24

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Mindy is in the nurses office with a bloody nose. She told me to spot her and I did. At first. Then the last time she did the stunt I let her fall face first. Of course I said the I was sorry and that I didn't mean to stand comeplealy still. Sarcasm.

Some of the football players seen and started laughing. I'm so gunna get it tomorrow. Now I'm coming out of the locker room and going to my car. I say bye to Nichol and get in my car. My phone rings as soon as I start the car. I answer.


"Bad news babe. " Caden says. I roll my eyes.

"What now? "

"My parents want to meet you. She wants to have dinner Saturday. " He says. I groan.

"Whyy?" I whine.

"You're gonna have to meet them at some point. I think it's better to just get it over with. "

"Fine." I pout even though he can't see me.

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow babe. "

"Bye." I hang up. He's really taken keen to the whole idea of calling me babe. I don't mind but I won't say it. It's going to boost his ego. If that's even possible.

I sigh and pull up to the gate and enter the code. It denies me access. I frown and try it again. I get the same result. I call Andrew.

"Baby sister. " He says.

"Did you change the code? "

"Oh yeah. It's the date you got out of juvie."

"Why? "

"Because that's the day I got my sister back. " I can hear the smile on his face.

"Awe "

"I'll be home. Maybe some bonding time can occur. "

"Like what? " I ask putting in the code and the gate opens.

"Movies or something, I don't know. Just something fun. I need a little break from work. "

"Ok. I'll let you know. "


"Bye big brother. " I smile and get out of my car and go into the house.


"You look comfy" Andrew comes and sits down next to me. I'm in the theater watching TVD.

"I wanna stay in today. " I say and shrug.

"Let's go to the game room. " He suggests.

"And do what? " I raise a eyebrow.

"Play pool. Whoever loses has to do a dare." I smirk.

"Prepare to lose. " I chuckle and get up.

"No you prepare to lose baby sister " I roll my eyes.

30 minute later and I lost. I look at Andrew in shock.

"Looks like you lose. You have to do a dare. "

"Oh hell no. That was rigged. " I say.

"No it wasn't. I had this planned and I knew you would decline but now you have to go. " He smirks.

"What? "I fold my arms across my chest.

" You have to come to a dinner at 7 with David Peirce and his family. "I scoff.

" Hell no. "I say.

" You can take Caden...."He trails off.

" When do we leave? " Andrew smirks.


"I'm leaving my house now. Are you ready? " I ask Caden over the phone. I'm going to pick him up and we are going to meet Andrew at the same resteraunt we had dinner at before.

"Yea. I'll be waiting outside. "

"Ok. I'm pulling up now. "I punch in his security code and the gate opens to his house. Caden lives a couple blocks over but is still in a gated community.

"Hey babe. " Caden says and pecks my lips when he gets in the car.

"Hey." I pull out and get onto the main road.

"What's this dinner about? " I shrug.

"He just said that his business partner is bringing his whole family. "

"So meeting families. Why am I going again? " He asks.

"I didn't wanna suffer through this alone. " I say as I park outside the resteraunt. We get out and go inside. We step up to the hostess. She fixes her clothes and bats her eyelashes at Caden.

"What can I help you with? "She asks. Well she asks Caden.

" We have a reservation under Peirce. "I say glaring at her. She looks at me and glares back.

" Right this way. "She turns and walks to the back of the resteraunt where the private rooms are.

" I hate bimbos. "I mutter.

" Awe babe. Don't be jealous. "He wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. I roll my eyes and enter the room. Everyone is here. David stands up.

" Tania. Nice to see you again. "He shakes my hand.

" Likewise. "I say back. Since when did I say likewise. Caden introduces himself and David does the same for his family.

" This is my wife, Olivia, my youngest son Alexander, my oldest son Noah, and my goddaughter Sarah. "My eyes widen when I see Noah. But my jaw drops when I see Sarah. She smirks and stand up walking my way. Everyone is quiet watching. She comes up to me.

" Might wanna close your mouth. You don't wanna catch flies. "I close my mouth.

" You're out. "

"Yep got out a few weeks ago. "

"You two know each other.? " David asks. We don't answer him.

"So much for never seeing you again. " I say. She raised a brow.

"You can't get rid of me that easily. "Someone clears their throat. We look over to see Andrew.

" Can we take a seat? "He asks. I quickly sit next to Caden. Sarah sits across from me with Noah to her left. Andrew is at the head of the table with me to his right and caden to my right. Alexander is to caden right and David is opposite from Andrew. David's wife, Olivia is sitting to the left of Noah.

" So before this meeting Tania, who do you know. "I look down.

" Sarah and Noah. "Andrew sighs.

" And how did you meet them.? "He asks. Caden grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze.

" I know Sarah from when I was incarcerated and I know Noah from when I went to Manhattan. I met him in Central Park. "I look to Andrew and see a small smile of his face.

" Well that's a relief because I thought they would've needed to make friends. "David sighs.

" Why? "Caden asks.

" They are transsferimg to Syosset. "I choke on air.

" They're what? "I ask.

" They are moving from Manhattan here."

"You have got to be shitting me! "

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now