chapter 33

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I park my Bugatti in my spot next to Mindy. I swear if I wasn't on the squad I would beat her ass to a pulp. Again. But anyways, I grab my bag and get out of the car. I see my girls hanging by the door so I walk to meet them. Once I reach them I sigh.

"What happened yesterday? " Nichol asked .

"After I woke up I left Brody's and went to talk to Caden. He basically admitted to cheating the whole time. It didn't surprise me in the least but I told him about the papers and he said ok. Then he said that he'd always be here if I needed him than he apologized. I got Tyler and left. "

"Oh wow. " Dylan says. I nod.

"Then I took him the papers to sign a hour later and gave him back the ring. He tried telling me to keep it but I left it on his nightstand. "

"How do you feel? " Briana asked.

"Honestly... I feel fine, like it's not affecting me and I don't know why. "

"You're gonna crack at some point. " Alexis says.

"So what's up with the outfit? " Isabella asks. (Outfit ⬆)

"We're getting initiated into a gang today. " Dylan says with fake enthusiasm.

"Yea just go around telling everyone. " I mutter.

"They're gonna find out anyways. "Alexis says.

"How are you initiated? " Briana asks.

"The all beat our asses for two minutes and we can't fight back. " Her eyes widen.

"The guys too? " Isabella asks.

"No just the girls. There's a girls gang and there's a boys gang combined. But they have a seperate leader. The girls gang has a girl leader and she's married to the leader of the guys gang. " Dylan explains.

"I heard when they started the gang she didn't want to be ruled by a guy so she started her own gang connected with his. " Nichol says.

"And that's how the New York City King's and Queen's came to be. " Alexis finishes. I snort. That name is so lame. Ha that rhymed. Isabella and Briana look at each other. Then back at us.

"Can we join. " I start choking.

"What! " Dylan shrieks.

"No."Nichol says shaking her head.

" Absolutely not. "Alexis states.

" Why not? "Briana asks.

" Because it's completely dangerous. You don't know these people like we do. "I say. It's true. It's is dangerous. That's why I really didn't want to join but we already called Landon yesterday and we can't exactly pull out now. Heh that's what he said. 😂anyways.

" Oh come on. Please. "I look at Dylan.

" I can't even believe you're considering this. "Nichol says to me.

" What? We can't exactly stop them. It's their life. If they wanna corrupt it then who are we to stop them. "I shrug.

" Wow. Just wow. "She mutters.

"I mean we would need to train you. How to shoot a gun, fight, throw knives, and everything we know about drugs and baiting people. "Dylan tells them.

" The guys deal with the big stuff like torturing and shipments and stuff. "Alexis says.

"I can't believe I'm about to join a gang. "I groan. I run my hands down my face.

" We wanna do it. When do we leave? "Isabella says. I raise my eye brows.

" You really wanna get beat to a pulp and have guns and tattoos and drugs and shit. What are your families gonna say when you turn into a whole different person? "

"We can be like you guys. It didn't really change you guys. " Briana says. I laugh.

"Really? We've been doing this shit since we were 12. I was thrown in juvie. And besides our families know about what we do. " I say.

"I still wanna do it. " Briana says. Isabella nods.

"Fine. We leave at lunch. " I walk into the school as the bell rings.


I walk into the cafeteria and spot the girls at the table. I go and sit next to Alexis.

"We're leaving in a minute. " She tells me I nod.

"How was Caden? " Dylan asks.

"He seems fine too. I don't know. He just acting like we were when we were just friends. " I shrug.

"That's weird. " Briana says.

"It's not weird. I just don't see a point in making a big deal about our relationship or lack there of. " I say.

"Ok he said to go to the abandoned warehouse. Ivy and Zack are there. "Nichol says.

"Wait Ivy and Zack are there? " I ask.


"Wait, who are they? " Isabella asks.

"They're the leaders. " Dylan says.

"They kinda have to be there for the initiation. He said they have a tattoo artist there already. We get them right after the initiation. " Nichol says.

"This shit is crazy. I cannot believe I'm doing this. Andrew is going to disown me. " I mutter.

"Suck it up Buttercup, we do this, you do this. Remember our blood promise. Whatever one of us does we all do. Well except for going to juvie cuz I know I wasn't gunna get caught. " Alexis says. I groan.

"I really really don't wanna do this. " I whine.

"It's too late. Zack and Ivy are expecting 6 girls. What are they gunna think when 5 show up. " Dylan says.

"Landon will flip his shit. " Nichol says. I groan for the hundredth time today.

"Ok fine. Let's go now before I change my mind and flee the country. " I mutter. They laugh.

"We won't let you. " Dylan says wrapping her arm around my shoulders. I roll my eyes.

"I hate you all. " I say.

"Shut up you love us. " Nichol laughs. We walk out of the cafeteria. I throw my bag in my locker and grab my phone and keys.

"Whose driving.? " Alexis asks.

"I drove my Bugatti today. " I say.

"I drove my Tahoe today. " Briana says. We all look at her.

"Girl! You drive a Tahoe! " Nichol asks.

"Yea and a BMW. " I raise a eyebrow.

"Ok were going with Briana then. "

"I'll drive if it's okay with you. " Nichol says.

"She just wants to drive it, so don't let her tell you it's because she knows where the warehouse is. " Alexis rolls her eyes.

"No, it's fine. Yea, you can drive it. "

"Yesss! " She takes the keys and runs to the red Tahoe. We all follow and climb into the SUV. Nichol driving with Briana shotgun. Me behind the driver with Dylan next to me and finally Alexis behind me with Isabella next to her.

"I freaking love this car. ! " Nichol exclaims as she backs out and leave the school gates.

"Just curiouss,will we come back to school? " Isabella asks.

"Maybe. It depends how long the tattoos take. " Dylan says.

"Where are you getting it.? " Alexis asks.

"My wrist. " I say.

"My neck. " Briana says.

"Same as Briana. " Dylan says.

"My wrist. " Nichol says.

"I don't know yet. " Alexis says.

"I think my neck. " Isabella says.

"I really really don't wanna do this! " I groan.

"Like I really, really don't wanna do this. " I run my hands down my face and groan. Again.

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now