chapter 34

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"Oh my god!  My body hurts so bad" Alexis groans. We somehow made it back to my house and are laying in the grass on my front lawn. We couldn't even make it to the door.

"They fucking snatched my weave! " I groan.

"They didn't only snatch  yours. " Nichol whines. Me and Nichol made the stupid decision to wear our extensions today and it got snatched. My hair is so messed up I'm probably going to have to cut the extensions out.

"The tattoos are dope though. " Briana says. I find the energy to lift my arm and look at mine. It's a red rose with a crown and queen written at the bottom. Dylan said it looks good on my wrist that she decided to get hers on her wrist instead of her back. (Tattoo ⬆)

"That wasn't as bad as I thought. " Isabella says rolling over to face us.

"Not as bad... We can't even move without hurting! " Nichol yells. I raise an eyebrow. I'm not in that much pain because as sad as it is, I'm used to the beatings.

"What the hell happened to you guys?! " Andrew says coming over to us from his now parked car. Weirdly caden and the twins pull up behind him.

"Woah. You guys look like you've been hit by a bus. Then the driver decided once wasn't enough and did it 3 thousand more times. " Jordan says.

"Well damn. " Jaden says.

"Isn't this a lovely sight. " Caden says.

"Yeah if you get off on busted lips and black eyes. " Isabella mutters.

"There's not enough foundation and concealer in the world to cover this. " Alexis says.

"Come on guys let's get you into the house. " Andrew says. He starts pulling on my and Dylan's arms.

"Owww" We both whine.

"Come in guys let's get up. " Somehow we all manage to stand and collapse on my couch.

"T can we talk? " I groan but pull myself off of the couch. I go into the bathroom and grab the bottle of Tylenol and take some. I then go to the living room and throw the bottle at a laughing Jordan. I turn and go sit in the dining room. Caden follows after and closes the door. I take a seat next to the head of the table and he take a seat at the head of the table.

"Here." He puts a Navy blue velvet ring box on the table and the papers.

"I already told you you can keep the ring. " He says. I sigh and grab the papers. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. They aren't signed.

"Why aren't these signed.? " I ask.

"Because I want to make sure this is what you want. "

"Yes, this is what I want. I am sick and tired of you cheating when I never did. Now that I think about it I should go get tested. Don't know how many STDs you got. " I sneer.

"Oh you're one to talk. I bet all those times you said you were dealing for Landon, you were actually fucking him! And don't think I didn't see you with Sarah at the party! " He growls.

"Well where were you? You were probably with bitch after bitch that night. If you cared so much about your wife then you would've been the one I was with, not her. And I never slept with Landon for your information. "

"I wouldn't be surprised if you slept with the whole football team with your fake slutty cheerleader ass! " I slap him so fast I didn't even know I did it.

"Don't you dare call me a fake slut! I'm probably the realest person you ever met! You want to talk about fake! talk about the bitch your always fucking! Sign these damn papers and get the fuck outta my house! " He signs them and gets up to leave.

"And take this with you ! I don't want it! You should give it to that butch you're both perfect for each other! " I throw the ring box at him as he leaves.

"Maybe I will! She sure as hell is better than you! "

"Then you must be fucking blind! NOW GET OUT!! " I yell.

"Gladly! " He yells back. I get up and go upstairs. I hear the door slam and I sigh. Fucking hell. I then hear the door burst open again.

"I want my clothes back! " He shouts. I go into my closet and start grabbing his clothes. I go over to the rail and throw them down.

"You want your fucking clothes back! Here they are! " I yell. I go back and forth throwing his clothes over the railing. All the while this is happening everyone else including my brother are standing in the living room watching. I am so pissed that I just started to cry.

"There's all your shit! Now get out! " My voice cracks at the end. I fall to my knees and bury my face in my hands. I am a hot mess. I hear footsteps then I feel arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. " Caden says he kisses my temple and starts to draw circles on my back.

"I was just jealous. " He says rocking us back and forth.

"Jealous of what? " I whisper.
"Sarah. You seemed to be having fun with her. And it made me mad that you were having fun with her and not me. We haven't just had fun in a while. We're always arguing. And honestly I never have fun with Mindy. It's always a quick fuck then I go home. " I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh. I wipe my tears.

"You don't get to be jealous though. You're the one who cheated. And yeah I did fuck Sarah at the party but in my mind I was already done with you. "

"What did you mean when you said Mindy called you when we were fucking? "

"Exactly what I said. She called and all I heard was moaning. I was about to hang up when I heard her moan your name. "

"I'm so sorry baby. Look. How about we start over. Do things the right way. Let me prove to you that I can treat you right and that I only want you. " He says. I pull back a little to look at his face.

"I don't think that is a good idea. Maybe in the future after we've graduated and matured. I really don't want a relationship. This one was too exhausting. " He nods.

"That's fair. I still want to be in your life. Even if we're not together. Like I said before, I will always be here for you. " I nod.

"Ok." He smiles.

"Ok."he nods.

" I still want you to keep the ring though. You never know if we'll need it again. "He winks and I groan.

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon