chapter 1

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My name is Tania Davis and I'm 18 years old. Tomorrow I get out of juvie. Yep you heard me. Juvie. I got sent to juvie when I was 14. I was the youngest in at that time. I did bad things but bad things also happened to me.

Let me tell you a bit about my family. My dad skipped out when my mom told him she was pregnant. When I was 5 my mom married. Her husband had a son who was 2 years older than me. When I was 9 my mom died in a car accident. My step dad became a alcoholic and started abusing me. I was the only one around because my step brother lived with his mom. When I was 11 I was raped by my stepdads friend.

When I was 13 I was drinking, doing drugs, selling drugs, stealing cars, robbing people, hanging with wrong kind of friends. When I was 14 I got caught stealing 7 cars. How can you get caught stealing 7 cars? Well I was with some of my friends and they ran. I got caught and went in for it among other things. I was gunna be let out when I was 16 but I stated a riot in the cafeteria. Soo I got another six months. Hehe. But for the other year and a half was for minorthubgs like frights and arguing with the staff and breaking rules period. But here I am now. About to get out of the place that has shown me more love than I have ever experienced. Sarcasm.

"Davis! " I hear. I look up to see Todd Williams, my guard, opening my cell.

"What?! " I say back loud.

"Don't raise your voice at me, I just came to see how you were doing. How you feeling about getting out tomorrow.? " He sits on the bunk bed next to me. I look down. He's the only person I let see me vaunerable. I shrugged.

"I don't know,  I don't have anywhere to go and I'm not going back to him. "I said.

"Well you have to go somewhere, you're going to be on house arrest for 30 days. "Todd says.

"What about school? "I ask.

"That doesn't start until your 30 days are up. It's only going to be the 1st month of school that you're not going to be there. "I roll my eyes.

" I have no where to go. "I say and look down. Todd's walkie goes off.

" Inmate D305 has a visitor. "I look up. That's me. I've never had a visitor.

" Well come one kiddo. Let's see who it is. "


After going through security and patdowns. I swear it's worse then going through airport security. I go into the room that has a table and two chairs. One on each side.

"Sit here. I'll be just outside this door. " He takes off the handcuffs and leaves the room. I sit and wait 5 minutes when the door opens. I look over and see Andrew. My step brother. He stops dead in his tracks the second he sees me.

"Tania.? " He whispers. It's not like he never saw me before.

"What? " I say and cross my arms.

"I haven't seen you since you were 10. You grew up. A lot. "He says while scanning my face.

"Well I hope I grew up in the past 8 years. " He comes and sits across from me.

"When did you get put in here.? " He asks.

"When I was 14." His eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"For what? " He leans back.

"Assault, battery, motor vehicle theft, possession of drugs, resisting arrest, robbery, burglary, possession of a fake ID, underage drinking, destruction of property, trespassing, and arson. " He runs a hand down his face and exhales.

"You can't be serious. " I nearly howl with laughter but I kept it in.

"I'm not. I'm serious. " I look him dead in the eye.

"You got all of these charges at the age of 14." I roll my eyes.

"Yes. Keep up. " He runs his hand through his hair.

"I've never even got pulled over. " I roll my eyes again.

"So what are you doing here.? " I ask.

"Well you're getting out tomorrow. I know you don't have anywhere to go since dad skipped town. I wanted to know if you'd like to stay with me. " I inhale. I mean I'd have somewhere to go when I get out and it would be with someone I know. But why does he all of a sudden care?

"Why do you care? " I ask.

"Because you're my sister. "He simply states.

"Step sister. "I correct.

"You're my sister either way. "I lean forward and cross my arms on top of the table.

" Listen. I'm a delinquent. I was thrown in juvie. If you make a good living and have an image around this city, I'm not someone to be around. "

"I don't care. I'm a business man. I have money. More than enough to provide for you. And I want to. I don't want you living on the streets. "

"I don't care that you have money. That don't mean shit to me. Don't you have a girlfriend or something?  I mean your 20 years old good looking and like you said you have money. "

"No I don't have a girlfriend " He smirked. Oh hell no.

"You're a fuckboi. " I roll my eyes and lean back.

"You can say that. " He smiles. I smirk.

"I guess I can work with that. But on one condition. " I say.

"What."he asks.

"I get to choose whatever car I want. "I look him dead in the eye.

" Deal but stop looking at me like that. "I chuckle.

" Is that all you want? I mean you could go on a shopping spree and buy whatever you want. I don't care. "

"I can't I'll be on house arrest. "

"Then order everything or give me a list. "

"How about we just facetime and I'll tell you what I like. "

"Ok." He looks at his watch.

"I have to go. I have a meeting in an hour but I'll make sure my day is free tomorrow. "He stands.

"Ok." Todd comes in and handcuffs me as another guard comes in and pats me down.

"I'll see you tomorrow. " Andrew says as he leaves. I nod and he's gone.

"He seems nice. "Todd says as we walk back to my cell.

" He does. "I agree.

"Don't cause trouble when you get out. He really cares for you and if you worry him by getting in trouble it'll really get to him. "

"I'll try. I won't make any promises. Just..." I trail off.

"Just what? "He looks down at me.

"Be prepared to see me again. "I walk into my cell.

"I won't be because I shouldn't see you again. "He closes my cell.

"You never know. "

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें