chapter 32

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We have been here for a good two hours. We haven't seen the boys yet but who gives a shit. I'm hammered. I know that much.

Me and the girls are dancing when someone comes and starts grinding on me. At first I think it's Caden, but when I turn I see Sarah. She's wearing all black with a purge mask she has pushed up so I can see her face.

"Hey baby doll. " She slurs. If we're both hammered then we're in trouble!

"Hey. You look gorgeous " I say then growl when I see a guy trying to come up to her.

"Fuck off jackass.! " I say and he walks away.

"That was so hot. "I smirk.

" Wanna go upstairs babygirl? "I say seductively in her ear then nip at it. Damn I need to stop getting drunk.

" I do but first I wanna get some weed. "She giggles. I smirk.

" Meet me upstairs. "She nods and walks off.

I go to the bartender and ask for a bottle of vodka. Yes there is a makeshift bar with a bartender. He hands me the bottle with a wink and I go upstairs. I spot Sarah going into the last room. I go down and into the room. I see her sitting on the bed lighting a joint. I close and lock the door. I move to sit next to her and open the bottle. I take a swig and she passes me the joint, we switch. I take a hit and sigh in content..

" So why did you fuck me then act like you didn't know me? "I sigh again. I take another hit before I pass it to her.

" You know why. You slept with almost everyone in the sector. And don't act like you didn't because my guard said you even tried getting with him. "

"Okay maybe I did. I'll admit it but good thing you didn't sleep with the guards. They suck man. " She laughs and I can't help but do the same. I take a swig from the vodka.

"Honestly you were the first girl I slept with.... .... And the last because of that shit show you pulled in the cafeteria. "

"I tried to talk to you and you completely dismissed me. " She says.

"That's true but I didn't know how to feel. So I opted with being a butch. But you were just being plain psycho. "

"Only because you were good. Maybe the best fuck I had. " She murmurs. I look at her. We then leans in and met in the middle. Next thing you know clothes were being ripped off.. .... Well more like hers not mine. Then I pulled back

"No strings attached. " She nods.

"No strings attached. "She confirms.


I wake up with my head pounding. I feel a weight around my waist. I turn and see Sarah. I roll my eyes. I remember everything. Absolutely everything that happened last night. But then I started rethinking my sexuality. I'm not completely lesbian and I'm not completely straight either. I came to the realization that I'm bisexual. Meh. I lowkey always knew that last night just confirmed it. I turn and stare at Sarah. She is gorgeous, that much was true. I sigh. But I don't need a relationship right now.

"Morning baby doll. " She murmurs.

"Morning." I say back. I yawn and grab my phone from the nightstand. A ton of missed calls I check a voicemail left from Andrew.

"Hey sis I wanted to let you know I got the papers you wanted. I had a good night if you know that I mean. " He chuckles and I roll my eyes. Sarah just raises a eyebrow.
"Anyways all I need is signatures. So get your ass home as soon as you get this. " I roll my eyes. I look over at Sarah.

"What papers? " She asks.

"Papers for a anullment. I'm done with Caden and his bullshit. " I sigh and get up from the bed.

"Where are you going? " She asks.

"I have to go over to Caden house and talk to him. I'll see you at school. " I finish pulling down my shirt and grab my phone. My keys and everything are still in my pockets surprisingly. She sighs and nods as I'm opening the door a hand grabs my wrist. I turn and Sarah softly pecks my lips. She looks into my eyes and smiles a little.

"Bye." I open the door and walk down the hallway. I pull my lanyard from my pocket and go out of the already open door.

"Hey girlie. " I turn and see Brody. He's the jock that hosted the party last night.

"Dylan just dropped off you car. She told me to let you know. " I nod.

"Thanks. I'll see you at school. " He nods and goes into the house. I sigh. Now it's time to get my priorities straight.


I pull into the driveway of Cadens house. I get out of my car and go up to the door. I ring the doorbell and a few minutes later Brooke opens the door.

"Hey is Caden here? And has Tyler been good?" She steps aside and let's me in.

"Oh he was a angel. And yes he's in his room. Go on up, I'll get Tyler ready. " I nod and head up the stairs. I go into his room to see him laying on his bed scrolling through his phone.

"Hey babe. " He says. I go and sit on his desk chair. I pull my right knee up to my chest and lean back.

"We need to talk. " I say. He sighs.

"I know. "

"What did you want to tell me yesterday? "

"I slept with Mindy when we stayed at the house. And that when I'm not with you in with her. " I scoff and roll my eyes.

"You forgot that you were with her after you dropped me off yesterday. " His eyes widen.

"How did you know? " I snort.

"She called me while you two were fucking. Honestly I'm done with this bullshit. "

"I know. I kept you in this failed marriage when I should've let you get that anullment. "

"What did you expect? We're teenagers. It's not gonna work. Personally both of us aren't mature enough for it. I just have some questions? " He looks at me.

"Do you want to be with me? " He runs his hand through his hair.

"I don't know? "

"Did you ever want to be with me? "


"Then why we're you with Mindy? "

"I don't know Tania. " He looks me in the eye.

"I really don't know. " I nod. I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Well I had Andrew use his connections for an anullment. All I need is your signature. " His eyes widen in surprise.

"Is this what you want? " He asks.

"Yes,  I've let this go on for too long and I'm done with this bullshit. "

"Ok. I'll do it for you but I will always be here for you. Just bring me the papers. " I nod and stand. I start for the door when his voice stops me.

"I'm really sorry Tania. " I just nod and leave to get Tyler.

Ironicly, while I was updating this, Tattoo by Jordin Sparks was playing. Some of the lyrics just fit the situation.

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now