chapter 54

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It's new years eve. I need to get my mind off of what happened. Asher went with me to the police station where they said that I'd have to testify against him. Which I will. Andrew will most likely find out but I want to sit him down and tell him.

When I came home that next day I had said that I went into Manhattan after the dinner, got drunk and picked a fight with a group of girls who jumped me. He wanted to call the cops but I convinced him not to.

I still have bruises and shit but I'm going to try and cover them as much as I can for the party. I know that I shouldn't but I want to drink the pain away. Mainly because the trial is 2 weeks. Which is crazy fast. Usually it takes months for a trial. I stare at my self in the mirror after I'm done getting ready. Even though they're covered I can still see the bruises. I shake my head, grab my keys and phone and head out.


I pull up to the house and find a parking almost a block down. Good thing I wore boots instead of  heels. I walk down the block and enter the crowded house. I say hi to a few people and push my way to the kitchen. When I get there I see the keg. I'll start off slow. I grab a solo cup and get some beer. I leave the also crowded kitchen and go out back. I see my group of friends out there sitting around the bon fire. But it's winter and cold as fuck. I go the opposite way though. I buy a few blunts and then go over to my friends. I sit in a empty chair and grab a blunt.

"Give me a lighter. " I tell Alexis. She rolls her eyes and hands me her lighter. I set my cup in the cup holder thingy and light it. I lean back and start to relax.

"You good? " Dylan asks. I just stare at her.

"Did you just ask me that? Are you good Dylan? " I say.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a crime to ask my best friend how she's doing? " She retorts.

"Well don't ask me stupid fucking questions when you know I'm not good. " I take a puff and after a few seconds I exhale.

"You could've just fucking said 'no' you didn't have to be a bitch about it. " She rolls her eyes and takes out a cigarette. She lights it with the fire and glares at me.

"Just shut up Dylan. " At this point every one of our friends are listening to us.

"Don't fucking tell me to shut up! You shut up. You're the one who came here with the bad ass attitude. So don't take it out on me. " She leans forward in her chair shouting at me over the fire.

"You're right I do have a attitude! But it's because you had to ask me a stupid ass question bitch! Don't fucking ask me if I'm good because I'm obviously not! " I shout back.

"Ok Tania. Whatever. " She says.

"Yea whatever. " I mock. Yes I'm being a bitch and I shouldn't but I just don't give a fuck. Jaden moves his chair next to mine and sits down.

"Hey chill ok. Don't stress. Just relax today and worry tomorrow. " He pulls me in for a hug and I lean over towards him trying not to burn him with the blunt. I nod.

"It's just that I didn't really care to come but I did and I just got irritated fast. " I say into his shoulder.

"I know. You're going through a hard time. Just forget about it for tonight. Come to breakfast with me tomorrow. We can talk. " I nod and we pull away.

"I'm still not apologizing. " I say.

"I wasn't going to either. " She snarks back. I roll my eyes. We just chill for the next half hour. I finish the blunt and head inside to get some alcohol. Im already high. I see Sarah I'm the kitchen. I grab a bottle of vodka and pour some in my cup. I move next to her.

"Hey." I say. I take a sip from my drink as she turns to me.


"Where Lilly.? " I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"It's Layla and we aren't together. " I shake my head.

"Makes you wonder if she was worth it in the first place. " I say. She just stares at me.

"She wasn't. She wasn't even a good fuck. " I just stare at her. Damn she threw me away for nothing.

"Sucks for you then. " I say and take a sip of my drink. She perks up and stares at me.

"Wanna fuck. " She asks. I raise a eyebrow at her. But then I think about it. I don't have to be with her. It can just be a bang and bail. I shrug.

"Sure." I am mentally laughing at this situation. I follow her up the stairs and into a bedroom.

           --------(cue the song ⬆)

I come down the stairs an hour later putting on my jacket. I go straight to the kitchen and grab a bottle of vodka. I go back outside to see everyone still out there. I go sit in my chair and open the bottle and take a swig.

"Where the hell were you? " Dylan asks.

"I just slept with Sarah. " I say and take another swig.

"You did what?! " She yells and they all look at me.

"I just fucked Sarah. " I say. Their jaws drop.

"Seriously?? " Lexis asks. I nod.
"Yep and the worst part is.. I didn't feel nothing for her. Nothing at all. Not even the slightest bit of attraction. "I say.

" You were gone for over an hour and you're saying you didn't feel nothing for her. Why did you fuck her then? "Nichol asks. I shrug. I shake my head.

" I really don't know. "I shrug again.

" How were you able to fuck her then. Don't you have to be slightly attracted to even consider the idea of fucking someone? "Cade asks.

" Now I know you're slightly attracted to plastic sluts with a caked up face of makeup and clothes that were made for toddlers. "I snark. He rolls his eyes.

" At least I'm not attracted to people who cheat. "He retorts.

" Yet you're begging me to take back your cheating ass. "I snort.

" Guys quit. Even though it's entertaining. "Jaden said. I take another swig. I need to forget tonight. I lean back in the chair and plan to drink this whole bottle and more until I can't remember my name.

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