Chapter 8

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I'm at my locker when Mindy taps my shoulder.

"Are you gunna sit with the squad at lunch?"

"Uh I don't know. Why?"

"Because you seem to be all over Caden today."

"I'm not all over him but In that case I'll have to think about it."I say and shut my locker. I turn to walk down the hallway when her words stop me.

"Just because I let you in the squad doesn't mean I like you."

"I never expected you to."I start to walk away.

"Oh and pull down your skirt. Your ass is hanging out."She says.I cross my arms and keep walking.


"Is my ass hanging out?" I ask Dylan as soon as I enter the bathroom.

"No. Why?"

"Because earlier Mindy asked if i was going to sit at the table during lunch and I said I didn't know and she was all jealous about Caden and when I was walking away she said to pull down my skirt because my ass was hanging out. Shit. I sound so insecure." I say. Dylan chuckles.

"You have a good size ass . I'm sure it will hang out sometimes. It's probably like' hey I'm here too, want to introduce me to some of your friends' like for real."I just raise a eyebrow at her.

"What? I thought it was funny." I just shake my head.

"Nothing .lets go get some food."

"Are we gonna go off campus or stay here?" She asks as we start to walk to the cafeteria.

"Caden wants to go off campus tomorrow."

"Caden? It seems like you do everything together."

"We don't do everything together."

"Oh really?"

" uh huh." I nod.

"Yea ok then where were you last night?"

" at home." I shrug. We enter the cafe and stand in the line.

"Alone..?"she drags out.

"You know what?"I say.

"Yea .what is it?"

" maybe I will sit with the squad. See ya." Right before I could take a step, I was grabbed.

" I haven't seen you all day!" Jordan says like the drama queen he is.

"You just saw me last period."

"Yea and that was a long time ago." He sighs . Cue the eye roll.

"Oh my god!" I heard Dylan say loudly. I turn to her.

"What?"I look behind me and see what she's looking at. First I see Caden with a smirk. Then I see the scissors. And finally I see a lock of my hair in his hands. How the hell did I not feel that? My backpack falls off of my shoulder. I'm getting angrier but the second. I turn to Jordan , who has a scared look on his face.

" I didn't want to do it but he paid me to distract you!"Jordan yells.

The cafe gets quiet. 3 seconds later he runs. I turn back to Caden . He's just standing there with a amused smirk on his face.

"What the hell were you thinking!? Oh wait, you weren't thinking because you have no brain at all! Why the hell would you cut my hair?! Do you know how long it took to grow it out in juvie?! "I yell. It's dead silent you could hear a pin drop. He puts his hands up.

"Chill .Its not that much hair."

"Not that much hair!? Not that much hair!? Give me the fucking scissors ."I grab the scissors and cut the same amount of hair from his head. His jaw drops .

" What the fuck T!?"

"You don't like it do you. It took me the whole time I was in juvie to grow my hair and it's only 13 to 14 inches!"

"It wasn't that much and you could barley see it!"

"Bullshit! Where did you cut it?" I start to go through my hair. Some is falling out because it was cut. I feel around and find wheee he cut it.

" it wasn't that much!? I can feel where you cut it!"

" what about me huh?! What about my hair!?"

" you cut your hair anyway."I say. I start to walk out of the cafe.

" I'm going off campus to eat."


Correction. I went home. It's still our lunch period so I can sit and relax for a bit. I sit on the counter in the kitchen and put in my earbuds. I set a shuffle in my playlist and Can't Be Friends by Trey Songz came on. I chuckle. Caden loves this song. Halfway through the song I hear him. I roll my eyes as he stands in front of me and clasps his hands together behind my neck. I pull one earbud out and he sings the song. When he's finished he kissed me. I close my eyes pull away and sigh.

" What?"he asks. I raise my eyebrow.

" So you don't wanna kiss me now?" Now both of my eyebrows are raised.

"I'm sorry?" He said it as a question so I got off of the counter and grabbed my bag ready to leave.

"T. "

"T. Come on."

"T. I'm sorry I cut your hair." This time it sounded genuine. I shrugged and still went on my way.

"Are you going back to school?"I nod. I turn and lock the front door.

"Can I ride with you back to school." I still don't say anything. I'm playing around with him but he doesn't know that. I turn the car in and Champagne by Niykee Heaton comes on. I smirk.
"I don't like that smirk."I glance at him before I floor it. I speed all the way back to the school.

"You're fucking crazy!!!!!" I just laugh.

" whooooo hooo!!!!!!!" I yell.

"Slow down you psychopath!!" He looks beyond scared. I slow the car down just as we get to the school. I pull into the parking lot and park in the same spot next to Mindy. I grab my bag and walk into the school. Caden is hot in my heels. I go into the cafeteria and go to the table where Dylan and  the twins are sitting at.

"Are you crazy!" They look at us.

"That was the best." I wink.

" were you trying to kill me!"

" maybe."I smile.

"Is someone gunna tell us what happened?"

"I was going 120 on the way here." I say like it's nothing.

"Are you crazy?! You're on parole and if you would've got pulled over..."Dylan starts.

"I'd be in a cell next to qweezy ."

"Right."she says.

"Whose qweezy?"Jordan asks.

"Dylan's ex man." I say as Mindy walks over.

"From when you were 14?" Jaden  asks. We nod.

Mindy comes and makes herself comfortable on Caden's lap. I chuckle and roll my eyes. He looks at me as if he expects me to do something..

" don't look at me. I ain't helping you."I hold my hands up.

"You suck T." Caden says.

"And you swallow." I say as the bell rings. We all get up and move out of the cafeteria. Classic comeback but come on . He walked right into it.

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now