chapter 28

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Black hair and blue eyes. The girl in the picture was absolutely beautiful. She looked identical to Easton. I studied the picture of a younger looking Caden, Easton, Brooke, and the girl. She looked about 17.

"That's Cassie. " I turn my head to look at Caden.

"She's beautiful. " I say. He smile. Adoration clearly evident in his eyes.

"She's my older sister. She's 20. She went to Arizona for college. "

"Does she visit often? "

"When she can. You'll meet her soon. " He says and I nod.

"Dinner will be ready soon. I'll get the twins. " Easton says coming into the living room. We nod and he goes up the stairs. Me and Caden sit on the couch.

"I don't like when you leave the house dressed like this. " Caden suddenly says.

"What? "

"When you look this good I can't have you leaving the house. "

"What about you? "

"What about me? "

"What about every time you leave the house? You always manage to look so goddamn mouth watering. You're practically begging me to fight those thirsty hoes. " I say.

"You're so clingy. "

"You're so possessive. " Our faces were so a close that our noses touched.

"I'm gonna go call Mindy. "

"And I'll call Landon. "

"You guys are so cute. " We both turn our heads to see his parents watching us. My face instantly heats up. Cade chuckles and we pull away.

"Dinner's ready. "We stand and make our way into the dining room. The twins are already seated. Brooke and Easton take the seats at the heads of the table. I sit across from Owen with Caden next to me.

" So how did you two meet? "Brooke asks. We pass around dishes and take our portions.

" He and the twins were actually walking down my block when they seen me. I was sitting on my doorstep on my laptop and they decided to annoy me. "I said. I smiled at the memory.

" Don't you live in a gated community? How did they get in? "Easton asks.

" I had just moved in with my brother the day before and he didn't give me the code to the gate so I couldn't close the gate. When he left he forgot to close it. "They nodded. Just as Brooke was going to ask another question my phone rings. I look and see it's Kaileah. I put it on vibrate. It's stops ringing.

" So do you play any sports or do any activities.? I know caden hates the thought of staying after school linger than needed. "Brooke says and we chuckle. I nod.

" I actually do cheer. I've al-"I'm cut off when my phone vibrates. It's Kaileah again. Something must've happened.

"Excuse me but I have to take this. " They nod. I get up and go into the other room.

"Hey is everything good? "I ask as soon as I answer.

" Uh well ma is in the hospital and I need someone to keep Tyler for me. None of the girls will do it Trey is too immature and his dad is God knows where. " Tyler is her 5 year old son. She had him when she was 16.
"I'm kind of with Cadens family having dinner. But I can see if I can get there withing 30 minutes. What hospital? "

"I'm at the memorial Hospital on the lower west side. "

"Ok I'll see you later. " We said bye and I went back into the dinning room.

"Is everything ok honey? " Brooke asked.

"Actually not really. I need to go I'm sorry to cut this short but I have an emergency. "

"Oh no it's okay we can always have another dinner. I hope everything's okay? "

"Me too. " I say. Caden and I say bye and I grab my stuff to leave.

"What's up? Why are we leaving? "

"Kaileah called. I need to go get Tyler. Her mom's in the hospital and she has no one else to take care of him. " I get in my car and speed to the freeway.

"Woah slow down. " Caden says.

"I'm freaking out. Kai's mom is the closest thing I have to a mom since mine died. And I know I haven't seen her since I got out but I was planning to go see her. So the least I can do is take Tyler. " I say turning off of the exit.

20 minutes later I pull into the parking lot. Good thing I drove my SUV. I park and get out I practically run into the hospital. I go up to the elevator. I press the button. It was taking forever so I hit it repeatedly.

"Calm down everything is going to be ok. "

"Fuck this. " I say. I go to the stairwell and start to climb the stairs.

"Thank god I wore converse. " I say.

"Babe. Wait, hold on. " We reach the second floor and I run to the waiting area.

"Where's mamma M? " I ask.

"Come on. They're only letting family in there but we can let you go. " Kai said. I follow her to room 209. She let's me go in. I nearly collapse at the sight. There are wires and tubes everywhere. She looks so sick.

"It came back twice as hard. They caught it too late. We don't know how long she has left. " I let out a sob.

"I know it's hard but I need you to take Tyler. He'll keep your mind off of it. " I continue sobbing.


"No! "

"Tania. I need you to do this. Please. " She begs. She takes both of my hands and looks me in the eyes. I see the pain in her eyes. I know I need to do this. Tyler will keep my mind off of this so I need this.

"Promise me that you will call me if something happens. " I say. She nods and wipes my tears.

"Promise me. " I say again.

"I promise. " Her voice cracks at the end.

"I hate seeing you like this T. Let's go get Tyler. Caden can drive you guys home. " I look at mamma M then nod. She puts her arm around me and brings me out of the room and to the waiting area.

"Tyler." Kai calls. He jumps off of the chair and crashes into my legs.

"Tania.! " He holds his arms up so I lift him and put him on my hip.

"Oof your getting bigger buddy pretty soon your going to be picking me up. " I sniffle and tap his nose. He giggles. I smile. I love this kid so much.

"Wanna come stay with me for a couple days? " He nods. I see Kai grabbing his overnight bag.

"I have the rest of his stuff in my car. " I nod.

"I'll help get it. " Caden says. We all go to the elevator. We go down to the parking lot. I go unlock my car and set Tyler in the backseat waiting for Kai and cade. A few minutes later Kai comes with a car seat and cade comes with a big duffle bag.

"All of his clothes and toys are in the bag. Call me if you need anything else. " She says.

"I will. We'll be fine. " She hugs me as Cade puts the car seat in the back. I then strap Tyler in and put the duffle by his feet. We say bye and get in the car. We turn onto the freeway. Thank god cade is driving or I would've probably had to stop. I break down again.

"T, Baby, it's gonna be ok. " Cade runs his hand through my hair.

"Tania. Why are you sad? " Tyler asks from the back. I lean forward with my head down. Wiping my tears. My hair shields my face from him.

"She's just sad because she wanted to stay at your house but your mom didn't let her. " He lies. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped.

"But I want to go to Tanias house. " He pouts.

"We are baby. " I say. We take the 40 minute drive home.

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