chapter 55

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I fucking hate winter. Especially because I live in fucking New York. I'm blaring the heat on my way to school. I pull into a parking and get out. I practically run inside almost falling. This time of year the quad is deserted it's the first day back from break. The trial is in a couple days and I'm not ready. But I need to get it over with. He needs to be behind bars. No he needs to rot in hell.

I reach my locker I throw my coat in and grab my books. So everyone knows how I hate gossiping but I got some juicy stuff. Wow I know how to change a subject. I've changed it what? 3 times already. Anyways I need to find Briana. I go to my homeroom and find Briana, Caden and the twins. I slid into the seat next to Caden but diagonal from Briana. If that makes any sense because I failed geometry in juvie. Ha I'm so stupid.

"Briana." I say. She turns and raises a eyebrow.

"What? " She asks. I smile .

"I heard something about you and Mason..." I trail off.

"What did you hear? " She asks. Calmly might I add. My smile slowly turns into a smirk.

"Oh nothing big. " I wave it off and lean back in my seat. I cross my arms and continue smirking at her.

"Tania what did you hear? " She nearly shouts. I laugh and lean forward. Of course Caden and the twins are nosey as hell and lean forward also.

"I heard that he slept with you. Which is surprising because I heard it from Mindy. " I say. She turns red. My smirk gets bigger.

"You were talking to Mindy.? " Jaden asks. Its been almost 2 weeks since the new years eve party and me and Jaden did go to breakfast that next morning. It actually was nice hanging out with him. He's like the brother I never wanted.

"No I heard her blabbing to someone on the phone talking a lotta shit when I was leaving Dylan's yesterday. Which by the way she called me a dumb bitch because I slept with both Caden and Sarah after they cheated on me. And she said that Dylan hangs out with the wrong people and need to do what's right and join her little group. " I say.

"Number one. You're not a dumb bitch. Number two Dylan can hang out with whoever she wants. And three why was she talking about me and Mason.? How did she even know about it? " Briana asks. I shrug.

"She seems to know everything. Except for what everyone truly thinks of her. If she knew that guys only fucked her to get off thinking if6 other girls she wouldn't have so many STDs. Or if everyone knew that she had STDs they would actually sleep whit the girls they think about and not her. " I chuckle. Caden shakes his head.

"That's fucked up Tania. " He says.

"She's right though. " Jordan says.

"What else did she say. " Jaden asks.

"She was just talking a lotta shit. She just can't keep her mouth shut and one of these days shes going to blab about the wrong thing to the wrong person and she's going to get it. " I say. I lean back in my chair.

"I can't wait to see that. " Briana says. I nod. That would be a fun things to see.


I throw everything in my locker and take off for the cafeteria. I get in line get my food and go to the table. Everyone is already sitting and taking.

"Mindy was talking some major shit about you today in homeroom. " Dylan says.

"About? " I ask eating a fry.

"Devin and Andrew. About your biological dad and stuff. " Everyone looks at me.

"What did she say. "

"She said that the reason your dad left you behind was because he didn't want you and he never told your other siblings  about you because he was embarrassed by you. "

"What did she say about Andrew and Devin.? " I slowly ask.

"She said that Andrew pities you that's why he let you live with him after you got out of juvie. " She says. She looks down at her tray.

"And Devin? "

"Said that what he did to you before is what you deserved. " She quietly says. I stand up so fast the chair flies to the floor. I storm to minds table furious. No I am fucking livid.

"Why are you always talking shit about me? Huh. Is your life that boring that you have to talk shit? . Are that jealous of me or are you obsessed with me.? " I slam my hands on the table in front of her she Looks shocked but covers it up.

"I don't know what your talking about. " She says.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. " I am shaking with rage. I just jinxed both of us earlier when I said she would say the wrong thing. Now she's said the wrong thing.

"Honestly Tania I think you have a serious problem because no one said anything about you. And fyi no one is jealous of you or obsessed with you. Who would wanna be to be honest. "She says chuckling.

I don't even blink. I literally launch myself over the table and start wailing on her. Punch after punch. She can't get any hits in because she's to busy blocking her face. Her face is all bloody and she is nearly unconscious when I'm pulled off of her. I'm taken to the principals office. He doesn't even say anything just picks up the phone and dials a number..


"What the hell is wrong with you?! " My father yells at me while I'm sitting on the couch in his living room.

"She had it coming. " I say. I lean back and cross my arms and throw my right leg over my left.

"She had it coming. Are you serious right now?! You nearly beat her to death and you say she bad it coming! "He shouts. I adjust the Velcro on my splint.

"You don't know what she said to me! " I shout.

"What could be so bad that you nearly beat her to death!? " He asks.

"She said that I deserved to be abused and raped as a little girl! She said that you were embarrassed by me that that's why you never showed up for me after my mother died! She also said that Andrew was taking pity on me and that's why he took me in after I got out of juvie! So don't sit here and say she didn't deserve it because that just scratched the surface! Neither of you know what I've been through! And maybe that's why I will never call you dad because deep down I blame you for what happened to me! "I yell at him before grabbing my bag and storming out of the house slamming the door behind me.

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu