I tsked in my mind the royal vampires are surrounded by luxury aren't they?. I climbed into the carriage and waved the maid in to it. The chests had been placed neatly at the floor of the carriage. I turned around to face the coachman " start the carriage."

I thought in silence about amaryllis's mother, 'well I should say my mother now,' I thought about my mother and recalled everything that had happened between us. Queen Cecile had always loved me and my father the most out of all her consorts, I guess she loved my father a lot and the love extended to me once I was born.

But our relationship had been ruined when she swore to never visit or see me again if i didn't change. 'Well, now that I'm here I will restore the relationship between us'. My thoughts suddenly switched to my father, little was mentioned about him in the book and he was a very mysterious character, ' I guess I'll visit him after reconciling with mother.'

I watched as the carriage arrived at my mothers palace and stopped before the door. I got down from the carriage and instructed my maid to guard the things in the carriage.

I walked towards the door and reached it, I was about to push it open, when it swung open from the other side and out came a beautiful lady, I immediately recognised her from my memories.

She had long vibrant raven coloured hair with blood red coloured eyes, her facial features were defined and beautiful, standing right in front of me was none other than Collete Sylvester, the main villain and the perpetrator behind everything that had happened and will happen to Amaryllis.

I clenched my fists as I remembered everything she had done to me, the last incident still fresh in my mind and vowed to get revenge. She glanced at me and said" hello amaryllis, what are you doing here?." I just smiled at her and said " I'm here to see mother" and before she was able to say anything else, I brushed past her and entered the palace.

Hey guys 😃, yesterday was my birthday so I'm posting this chapter a day earlier and will also post another one tomorrow to celebrate it. Thanks for reading, I love you guys 💖.
The interior of her palace stunned me and I stood there staring blankly before I snapped out of it. It was made of some sort of crystal but was not transparent. Right in front of the door was a long walkway that led to a throne, I walked towards a door in the far corner and went through it, at the other side there was a dining area and another door a bit far off which I assume is the door to the kitchen.

At the left side of the dining area, there was a large curved staircase leading to another floor. ' that's probably where the rooms of her consorts are located along with about a dozen others.'

I went up the stairs and followed the sound the sound of voices through that floor to another set of stairs at the far end of the corridor to a balcony and there I saw my mother and another girl who I recognized as the heroine Lillian, she had long bright pink hair with soft facial features and small blue doe eyes. She was talking and chattering happily with my mother while they were having tea.

I quietly studied my mother and realized that unlike me she had long black hair and resembled Collete in every way, this also means I inherited virtually everything from my father and that made me more curious about him.

I walked towards them and Lillian quieted down as she saw me approach. My mum looked at her and said " what's wrong dear?" She probably noticed her staring and turned around to face me. Sadness, love, surprise and other emotions flashed across her face. I looked at her face and was acutely reminded of my felt my emotions overpowering me as I remembered my mother on earth.

A Reverse WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora