Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
So later that night me and the girls were up doing each others hair. Chay was sitting on the bed doing mines and Mya was sitting in between my legs and I was braiding hers and Kay was sitting between her legs and she was doing hers. After awhile they had gotten sleepy. Perfect timing because my butt was starting to hurt.

I tucked them into bed and kissed them each a goodnight sleep. I walked downstairs and saw Big J laid out on the floor sleep. His was laying on his stomach so I step on his back massaging it. He opened his eyes.

Big J- Aye Aug get yo girl.

Me-*Laughs* Go get in the bed them.

I got off of Big J and let him get up. He walked upstairs and I heard the door shut. I saw August sitting on the stairs by the porch door drinking some wine. I decided to go sit by him.

Me- What's up with you?

Aug- Nothing. *Sips wine*

Me- Forreal August. You haven't said one word to me since this morning.

Aug- Is dat so...

August sipped some more wine.

Me- Fine. If you want to be a big baby then fine. I'm not fine to sit here and be made a fool out of.

I started to get up. I was having some trouble but half way up I felt August tug me down. I looked over at him.

Aug- I'm sorrey.. I'm jus frustrated..dats it.

Me- About.

Aug- Us.

Me- There is no us. It's you and Seyvn.

Aug- Why is Seyvn in errthing?! Why it can't jus be you, me, and da babey.

Me- Was me and the baby at the club with you that night.

Aug- Nah.

Me- Ok then.

August sipped some more wine. Did I mention he didn't have a shirt on. I was looking at all his tattoos.

Me- Hey?

Aug- Whats poppin?

He looked at me.

Me- What does this tattoo mean.

I turned his face with my hand to see the side of his face. He had "Self" on one side and "Made" on the other.

Aug- Dos tattoos means I'm a self made nigga.

I turned his face towards me again to see the "Made" again.

Me- Did they hurt?

I was just admiring the tattoo waiting for August to answer my question. He never did so I looked at him and we made eye contact. He started leaning in so I did too. Within seconds our lips met but I quickly pulled away. I placed the tip of my fingers on my bottom lip.

Me- T-t-that wasn't meant to happen..

I slowly stood up.

Me- I better go.... Goodnight.

I started walking upstairs. But then all of a sudden a heard some break. I turned around and saw August's wine glass shattered. He's hand was cut a little. I quickly walked back down stairs. I went to the kitchen and ran some warm water on a dish towel. I brought it back over to August and bent down in front of him.

Aug- Don't worrey bout it.

Me- August your bleeding.

I reached for his hand and he moved it.

Aug- I said don't worrey bout it.

Even though August had his hat on I still saw his eyes under the shadow. He was look straight to lord knows where. I wasn't taking him seriously so I snatched his hand and started wiping the blood away.

Me- Why did you do this.

Aug- Frustration.

Me- August can't you just except the consequences of your actions.

Aug- I can see if we didn't have a babey on da way. Then maybe dis breakup wouldn't botha me so much. But ya kno Ryan... I fell in love with ya. Ian neva eva thought I would fall in love. And it frustrates me dat ya see me trying to make it up ta ya but ya playin with a nigga's heart.. I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Me- How do you think I feel.

Aug- I understand ya point but da farthest we got wus ta kissing.

Me- And if she would've went farther would you have went.

Aug- ............

August couldn't answer that question.

Me- Talk to me when you figure out your answer.

I got up and walked upstairs. Sleep is calling my name.

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