Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
I didn't feel when the jet landed because I was sleep. Of course. Big J shook me lightly.

Big J- Ry.. We in the A.

I woke up and looked at my phone.
4:00 P.M. I looked out the window and saw the paps. I put August's shades on and Big J opened the door. Somebody was standing by the stairs. He reached he's hand out and I took it because I needed some balance in these high heel boots.

The paps were taking pictures and all but I ignored them. Big J walked me into the airport. I got on the escalator and as we reached the bottom I saw 3 little heads. I noticed it was Kay, Mya, and Chay. I nearly ran down the escalator.

When I reached the bottom I was running to them. They met me half way. I was so thankful about that because these heels were just ugh. I bent down and we grouped hugged.

Mya- Ryan! *Smiles*

Chay- We missed you. *Smiles*

Kay- A lot. *Smiles*

Me- I've missed you girls too. *Smiles* Look at y'all's hair. It's so pretty.

I played with there curls.

Chay- *Laughs* Yea, grandma got it done.

Me- Y'all are gorge. *Smiles*

I looked at Kay.

Me- Finally got out of them pigtails? *Giggles*

Kay- *Laughs*

They notice Big J and went to talk to him. I stood up and walked to Sheila.

Me- Hey. *Smiles*

Sheila- Hey. *Smiles and hugs me* How was he before you left.

Me-He was being a big baby.*Laughs* But he was doing fine... Yesterday was tough for him...

Sheila- Me too...

Me- He didn't tell me that yesterday was the day..you know.. *Looks down*

Sheila- Yea.. *Folds arms* He tries... He tries very hard to coop with his brothers death... I guess it's harder now because it's all in the media eye now. You know?

I nodded.

Sheila- Sometimes....He calls me and cry like a baby on the phone. It's tough being in the press.

Me- Trust me I know.

Sheila- He thinks nobody understands...Says nobody hears him. I feel bad for my baby sometimes. But I know and he knows you gotta do what you gotta do.. You know.?

I simply nodded. So August thinks people don't understand him. That they don't know what he goes through. Nobody hears him. They hear his music..but not him. Not August Anthony Alsina.

Sheila- In a couple of weeks August tour is ending. He's ending it in New Orleans. Do you think you can make it?

Me- Of course. I'll bring the girls out. I think they need to visit home anyway.

Sheila laughed.

Sheila- I'm heading back to NOLA after this.

Me- Drive safe.

Sheila- I will.

Sheila hugged me again and then she walked over to the girls and kissed them and hugged them. Then she was gone.

I walked over to the girls.

Big J- Aye Ryan, I'm heading back.

Me- Ok. Be safe.

Big J- I will. Bye girls.

Big J walked out and it was just me and the girls. I grabbed Kay's hand and Kay grabbed Mya's hand and Mya grabbed Chay's and we started walking out.

Me- What do you girls wanna do?

Mya- Can we go to the park?

Kay- Yea that.

Me- Of course.

I approach my Porsche truck and buckled Kay in. Mya got into the back also. Chay hopped in the front.

I got the girls milkshakes before heading to the park. When we got there they ran off to the swings.

Yes I'm BEYOND tired but I want them to have fun not sit at home while I'm napping. That's no fun.

I also was pondering on the fact that August is hurting deep down inside because no one understands him... Can't hear him.

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