Ryan's POV

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Ryan's Pov
The girls shocked August and I both! I don't want them to feel like I'm replacing there mom. I think August didn't know how to respond to that so he just ate. I just kept sipping my water. The waiter came back with the ticket and August paid for it. We were getting ready to leave. I helped the girls put on there coats. August tried helping but Kay's coat ended up in a twist.

Aug- Why ya wiggling so much. *Trying to fix the coat*

Kay- It's not my fault Uncle A that you don't know how to put on little girls coats. *Giggles*

Mya- *Laughs* One reason why we are glad to be with Ryan. *Smiles at me*

I gave her a little huge and went to help August.

Me-It's backwards August. *Flips the coat the right way*

Aug- I knew dat.

Me-*Laughs* Sure you did.

I fixed Kay's coat and picked her up.

Me- Ok. Safety rule #1. Most hold hands. Wouldn't want to get snatched up.

I grabbed Mya's hand with my other freehand and she grabbed Chay's and Chay took hold of August.

Aug- Ova protective.

I glared at August.
We walked out to my truck and some fans spotted August's. They asked him for a picture.

Aug- Aight. Jus one. Make it quick.

The girls took the picture and August came walking back over to us. Mya them was waiting for him by my car so they can say there goodbyes.

Aug- Bye uncle aug babies. *Hugs them* Don't be giving Ryan a hard time aight?

The girls- Yes.

He hugged them again and he gave each one of them a kiss. He helped Kay in the car while I made sure Mya was buckled up. Chay was in the front already putting on her seat belt.

Aug- We gone need to find Ya a boosta seat.

Kay-*Frowns* I don't want one. I'm a big girl.

Aug- Ya need one. Ya a big girl by heart not by law.

Kay- Ok....Is it gonna be pretty.

Aug- Of course.

He kissed her one last time and closed the door. He came to Mya's side and did the same thing. Also with Chay. After all that he came to me.

Aug- Thank Ya again. I'll neva forget dis fava.

He then gave me a huge and I smelled that good colon I like so much.

Me- It's nothing really.

Aug- Toma I'll be in da studio workin on a new track I'm tryna drop. Ya can bring dem by if ya want.

Me- Yea ill do that. I need to check up on everything at the office anyways. But it probably be around 3. I want to go shopping for there rooms.

Aug- Ya need some cash cuz I- GCO

Me-*Laughs* No, No thank you. On me. *Smiles*

Aug- Ya sure?

Me- Yes August.

Aug- Aight. *Taps on window* Bye girls.

They waved.

Aug- I'll see ya toma.


August walked to his truck and got in. I got in mines also. I put on my seatbelt and pulled off.

Me- y'all like the A so far? *Focused on road*

Chay- It's cool.. Nothing like New Orleans though.

Me- I understand. Nothing like home. But we are going to change that. I want Yall to feel at home as much as possible. Tomorrow we are going shopping for you guys rooms.

Mya- Yes! *Cheers*

Me-*Laughs* It just takes some time to get used to that's all. *Stops at red light*

Kay- I don't know about y'all but I feel it.

Me- *Pulls off* Feel what?

Kay-*Smiles and relaxes in seat* At home. *Looks out window*

I know Mya and Kay are so excited about their move. But it's going to take Chay some time to get use to it since she's older and has a lot of people back in NO. I'm going to make her comfortable and stop being home sick.

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