Ryan's Pov

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Ryan's POV
We pulled up to my house. I parked my car in the garage because I wasn't planning on driving it tomorrow.

We got out and made our way inside. When we got inside the girls ran upstairs. August was amazed.

Aug- Damn ma, ya house poppin.

I laughed a little.

Me- You saw it before August.

Aug- Yea da outside plus it wus dark.

He smirked knowing he was making a point. I told him he could put his things in one of the guest rooms.

I threw my briefcase and purse on the nearby stool and started unbuttoning my blazer as I walked upstairs.

Me-*Walking upstairs* Girls time to get ready for school.

I searched in every room upstairs looking for Chay and Mya. When I found them they were upstairs in the arcade. I knocked on the door and they looked up.

Me- Bath time.

Mya- One more minute Ryan please.*Pleading*

Me- Girls it's already late. *Checks watch*..... How about you take your baths FIRST then you can come back.

Mya- Ok deal. Come on Chay lets go take our baths.

They took off down the hall. Then I realized what if they have homework.

Me-Do yall have homework!? *Yells after them*

Them- No ma'am. *Yells back*

Me- Ok. Just checking.... Wash good! *Yells*

Them- Ok! *Yells back*

I was still standing at the door when Kay came up to me. So I picked her up

Me- Wanna go for a bath lil mama? *Tickles her*

Kay- Yeaaa. *Laughing*

I took Kay to my bathroom and ran her water. I put her in and started washing her.

Kay- Mama Ryan?

Me- *Washing her hair* Yes baby?

Kay-Is uncle A dating nicki?

Me- Yes baby..

Kay-Are you sad?

I was starting to get teary eyed. A tear slipped but I couldn't wipe it because I had soap on my hands.

Me- N-No baby. Why would I?

Kay- Because your crying...

Kay wiped my tear.

Kay- You like uncle A don't you?...

Me-Come lets get out.

I picked up Kay and dried her off. I put her pjs on and she went to the arcade with the girls.

I showered and put on shorts, a sweat shirt, and house shoes. My hair was in a messy bun.

I walked in the arcade because I didn't hear noises. I walked down stairs and I didn't see August or the girls. I walked downstairs to the basement because my movie theater was down there and surely there they were. Watching Frozen. The girls were laying on August. Mya and Chay knocked out and Kay was wide awoke. When I sat down beside her she crawled on my lap and laid on my chest. August looked at us for a second and turned around. After a moment he got up with Chay and Mya in his arms. He's probably going to lay them down.

Kay was being quite so I looked down and she was sleep. She was holding on to me so tight. Like she was afraid to let go.

August came down after awhile and sat beside me. Kay started moving and whispering something in her sleep.

Kay-*Whispers* Daddy...daddy...daddy.

August looked at her concern. She was having a nightmare about her father. August told me all about their dad. He never told me about nightmares.

Every time she said "Daddy" she got louder and her grip got tighter.

Kay-*Screams* Daddy!

Finally she woke and boy was she shaking up. She was crying and shaking. August took her upstairs while I cut off the movie.

When I got up there I saw Kay sitting on the counter while August was heating up her some warm milk. Did I mention he was shirtless with only pajama pants on.

Kay calmed downed a little. August gave her, her milk in a sippie cup. She rested her head on his chest while she drunk it. He rubbed her back.

Aug- It's ok. We straight.

He was talking to Kay. It was obvious Mel's death still affected them. August too.

When Kay spotted me she reached for me. I picked her up and carried her to her room. She wouldn't let me leave so I crawled into bed with her and held her tight into she fell into a deep slumber.

When I walked downstairs August was on FaceTime with Nicki. I just walked past them and into my kitchen. I made some tea.

After while August walked in and got a cup. I sat on the counter and he sat on the counter by the sink.

Aug- She ok?

Me- Yea she's fine. Do they all have nightmares of their father.

Aug- Every once in awhile. Dey miss him a lot.

I nodded.

Me- How about you? You so worried about everybody else who looking out for you.

Aug- I got myself.

Oh yea right he got his self. Little did we know in three weeks he was going to be in New York's hospital in a coma...

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