Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
So yesterday, I ran across a picture that people were reposting on Instagram. It was screenshots of August and Seyvn Streeter. I didn't care that she was sitting on his lap and all because I didn't want to assume and be wrong. BUT I started to care when I saw pictures of them KISSING IN THE CLUB!!!!!!!! But I am not stressing. Not now. I'm pregnant and I don't want to put my baby at risk. So late last night I planned a trip to Jamaica. I just need to get away and vent.

This morning the girls up but I told them to lay back down because they weren't going to school.

Sheila knows about my trip and what August did.

I woke up around 10:30 a.m. I showered and started packing. After I finished packing I got the girls up. They got dressed and I told them to start packing.

Kay- Why are we packing?

Mya- Yea?

Chay- Are we going back to Atlanta?

Me- Because we are taking a trip & No we are not going back to the A.

Mya- Are we taking a trip to see uncle August?

Me- Most definitely not. Now get done packing. We're leaving at 1:00 P.M.

The girls continued packing while I sat my bags by the door and walked into the kitchen.

Sheila- Hey.

Me- Hey.

I sat in a chair. She sat by me.

Sheila- You know I don't agree with you leaving. I don't want you alone and pregnant.

Me- For what? I'm already alone and pregnant.

I looked down at my shoes.

Me- *Whispers* Always been....

Sheila- Look, August is going to flip when he calls and your not here... Do you plan on telling him where you're going.

Me- Nope.. You know so it's not that big of a deal.

Sheila- I just want you and my granddaughters to be safe.

Me- Trust me. I'm going to take care of them.

Sheila- And who's going to take care of you.

Me- Myself.......

Sheila- I know you're running away because of August.

My eyes started to get watery.

Sheila- You know I love you and that baby to death.. You know I would want the best for you two. But honey, August is going to be August... He's going to do what he wants. And I don't want you to get hurt by his actions.... Lord knows I love my boy to heaven and back. I told August one time before about him being with Nicki that,that was something the world wanted to see. They weren't in love.......And I'm going to tell you the same thing.... Y'all rushed into this relationship for that baby....Do you love my son?

I was crying a silent cry.

Me- I have love for him...

Sheila- But your not in love.. I think he feels the same way..... I want both of you to be happy.. and I can see that your not.... One day I believe love will find its way. But I don't think right now is the time.

Me- So your saying I should leave?

Sheila- Honey, you've been through too much with August and he still can't get it through his big head that you care...... I love my son but sadly that's the only way he's going to learn. You don't realize what you have until it's gone..

That's when I broke down. She embraced me.

Me- *Sobbing* The thought of leaving *Sniffs* hurts so bad. *Breaks down*

Sheila was rubbing my back and rocking back and forth. I heard the girls come downstairs talking but they stop when they saw me.

I was a mess. I was crying like somebody had died. I heard crying come from the stairways and then I heard little feet run over to me and Sheila.

Sheila- Shhhh Kaykay.

She rubbed her back.

Kay- Is Ryan ok? *Crying*

I stopped hugging Sheila and looked at Kay. She climbed on my lap and hugged me around my neck.

I calmed down a little but my mascara was running.

Me- I'm fine kaykay. *Sniffs*

Kay- Are you sure.

She left her head and looked at me.She was still crying a little.

Me-*Smiles* I'm sure.

I wiped her tears. Nice to know she cares a lot.

Me- We better go.

I got up with Kay on my hip.

Sheila- Ok. *Smiles*

My bodyguard took our bags out to the van and Sheila walked with me and Kay. Mya and Chay raced to the van. When we got there I let Kay down to get on the van. She got on.

Sheila- Ok. Be safe.

She hugged me.

Me- You too. And don't tell August ok.

Sheila- Ok.

Me- I'll talk to him.

Sheila- Ok. Love you.

Me- Love you too. *Smiles*

I got on the van.

Sheila- Bye girls. Love you!

The Girls- Bye grandma! Love you more. *Waves*

The driver closed the door and we took off.

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