Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
Back in LA. I'm beyond excited to see Auggie. Even though it's been like a week. When you truly love someone your going miss them.

When we landed in LA we got in this nice truck. I buckled Ava into the car seat. The drive to August's hotel wasn't that far from the airport. We pulled up to it and fans and the paps were outside. I guess they were waiting for August to come out.

I unbuckled Ava and threw the blanket over her. When we got out the truck the blanket fell so I had to cover her with my arm. When we got to the door my bodyguard opened it and I walked in. I took the elevator up to the floor August room was on. I got off and walked up to the door. His bodyguards already know me so they gladly opened it. Soon as they opened the door I saw clothes scattered all out on the floor.

Me- Um can you hold her?

I handed the bodyguard Ava and walked in. I was getting heated by the minute. I saw a bra, boxers, pants, skirts, heels! Everything!! I came around the corner and I saw Aug and Seyvn booed up on each other in the bed.. I was fine to pop off but I calmed myself. I looked at the sight for one more second and slowly walked out. A tear slipped but I wiped it away. I slowly looked up at the bodyguard and took Ava. I walked to the elevator and to the truck. I smiled at some of the paps. It was a fake smile anyway. I got into the truck and told them to take me back to the airport. I'm going back to New Orleans and hopefully the girls are home so we can leave.... Back to Atlanta....... I'm leaving August.......For. GOOD.

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