Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
Today me and Ava were out and about in the city. I've been going from meetings to meetings all day long so when it was all over I decided to pick the girls up from school early. I haven't saw them all week and they have no clue I'm coming.

I picked Kay up first. She was at daycare. The whole ride to Amaiya's and Chaylin's school she played with Ava. When we got there I went in and checked them out. When they came through the office doors and saw me they got so happy.

Them- Ryan!

Me- Hey babes.

I gave them a big hug. We walked out and they both were holding my hands.

Mya- I didn't know you were coming.

Chay- Me neither.

Me- Surprise!

I chuckled.

Chay- *Smiles* Is Ava in the van?

Me- Yup. Kay's watching her.

Mya- You got Kay too?

Me- Now you know I couldn't leave her out. *Smiles*

The girls gave me there backpacks and stepped up on the van. I got on also and we were off.

Me- Have y'all eaten yet?

Kay- We had these little baby fish sticks! And we got three a piece with this cold ketchup. Now I know I'm little and all, but what is that suppose to do for my hunger?

I laughed.

Mya- We haven't had lunch yet.

Me- That's ok. We'll go somewhere.

Kay- Chuck-E-Cheese!

Me- *Chuckles* Really?

Kay- Yes! We can play and eat. You know I missed recess.

Me- What did you do?

Kay- I only said this girl was stinky because she was! And she started crying and told the teacher and she pulled me to the side and asked did I say it on purpose or accident and I said Purpose and she told me to change my color to red for no reason! I said purpose! And I had to apologize.

Mya and Chay both were laughing.

Me- Kay baby did you mean to say it or not.

Kay- It slipped.

Me- Then you said it on accident.

Kay- Yea I know. I tried telling the teacher that. I said purpose.

Me- Purpose means you meant to say it babe.

Kay- Oh... Well it still isn't my fault! I don't know those big words.

Me- Its ok. Next time just think it.

She nodded.

Me- Hey. But why were you on yellow?

Kay- Huh?

She looked around.

Me- You said you had to change your color to red. So why did you have to change your color from green to yellow?

I raised a eyebrow.

Kay- .....I smart mouth the kitchen worker.

Me- Kay..

Kay- She wouldn't give me more fish sticks!

Me- What did you say to her?

Kay- That her defroster stopped working because they were still cold anyway and to next time read the expiration date.

Me- Kay that's not nice.

Kay- She acts like she cooks the food but everybody know it's frozen goods.

Me- Next time, keep to yourself. Ok.

Kay- Fine.

We pulled up to this place were Chuck-E-Cheese was located. I put Ava in her baby carrier and grabbed my bottle of water and her bottle bag. The girls got off and we made our way to chuck-e-cheese. The paps were everywhere. I hid Ava's face away from the cameras. She was sleep anyway. When we made it to Chuck- E-Cheese we walked in and I got the girls some tokens and ordered some pizza and wings.

I had a seat while they went off to play. After awhile the food came and I called the girls over. While we were eating my phone rung.

******Phone Convo******
Me- Hello?

Aug- Wussup.

Me- Oh hey August.

The Girls- Hey uncle aug! *Yells*

Aug- Wussuh.

Me- He said Wussup girls.

The girls smiled and continued eating.

Aug- Ya got dem?

Me- Yea I picked them up from school.

Aug- Whera ya at?

Me- Chuck-E-Cheese.

Aug- Ightt.

Me- Ok.

*****End Of Convo******

When the girls finished eating they went back to playing. I took Ava out of her carrier and fed her a bottle. While I was doing that somebody came and covered my mouth. I started to panic. Somebody wants to kidnap me! I bite their finger.

Aug- Ow! Damn!

I looked up and saw August. Out of anger I sprayed him with my breast milk.

Me- Don't do that! You had me scared.

He laughed. He nudge me.

Aug- Scoot ova.

Me- Why you can't sit across from me.

Aug- Cuz I don wanna. Na scoot ya boot.

I scooted over for August. He sat down and took Ava from me. He gave her servile kisses on the cheek. She smiled. He took a slice of pizza and started eating it.

Me- How you gone eat and try and hold a baby.

Aug- Easey.

Me- Your going to drop crumbs in her hair and it'll get in her ey-GCO

Aug- Blah blah blah. Ya da worrey type.

I rolled my eyes. August finished his pizza and got up with Ava. He held her on his shoulder.

Aug- Lets go.

Me- Where.

Aug- Pley!

He smiled and clapped Ava hands together. I followed August to this machine car. He put a token he found in it and got in with Ava. It started moving back and forth. I snapped a picture.

Me- Your childish. *Chuckles*

Ava was smiling.

Aug- See. She likes it. Dats all dat matta. Wanna ride? *Smirks*

Me- Aha. No.

Aug- Come on.

August pulled me on his lap. He gave me Ava. I started laughing.

Me- Do you realize how childish we look?

Aug- *Chuckles*

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