Ryan's POV

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Ryan's Pov
Me- Girls! Girls! Girls! *Yells upstairs*

I was standing at the bottom of the stairs yelling for the girls to hurry. Today I wanted to take them to get new things for their rooms and enroll Chay & Mya in school.

Kay- We're coming. *Hopes down the stairs*

Kay demanded to dress herself today and I let her. Surprising she didn't look too bad. Chay and Mya came walking downstairs. Mya looked so happy and excited. Chay on the other hand had a blank expression.

Me- You girls ready? *Grabs purse and keys*

Them- Yeap!

I had on a black skirt and a yellow blouse. I also had on black heels and my hair was flat iron. Why am I dress this way you ask? Because I plan on working a little today.

The girls got in my Mercedes Benz car and we made our way to "Comfort For You." This place had all types of comforters and cartoon kind.

Me- Look around guys and tell me what you like.

They look around and Mya called me over.

Mya- I like this.

It was a pattern comforter that was orange, turquoise, yellow, and pink. It came with pink pillows. And a 3 white pillows with "Love, Peace, Hope" written in Orange letters. It also had a matching orange rug.

Me- Ok. We'll get it. Let's see what the other girls want.

We walked over to Chay.

Me- See anything you like?

Chay-..I guess this one.

It was a cheetah print comforter. It had red outlining and it came with black and red pillows and a cheetah print rug.

Me- Ok. We will buy it. Let's find Kay.

Kay's bed wasn't that big. She had a twin bed. Kay chose a "Frozen" theme. It came with furry white pillows and a white rug.

We paid for the stuff and left. Next stop was the mall. I let the girls get whatever they liked. That didn't really want much because they said they didn't want to spend all of my money but I told them it was ok.

After the mall I drove to Atlanta Elementary and enrolled Mya and Chay into school. They will start Tuesday. They are a little excited. I think Chay's starting to get a little comfortable.
I took them by Chic-Fa-La and got them breakfast and we made our way to the office. I brought them in my office and let them sit and a little coffee table and eat.

Me- When your ready to go see August just let me know ok?

Them- Ok.

After awhile I was sitting at my desk filling out papers taking calls and the girls where just looking out my glass window at the city. I think they were a little bored so took a break and talked to them.

Me- Like the view? *Smiles and sits on the couch*

Mya- Yea..it's beautiful.

Kay- It's so big.

Me- *Laughs* I know....*Looks at chay* How about you?

Chay- It's ok I guess.

Me- Y'all should wait until night. The lights are amazing. Are y'all ready to go see August?

Kay- Yes! *Gets happy*

We left my office and I took them up to the top floor. When we made it up there I couldn't believe my eyes.

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