Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
It has now been two weeks since me and August recently split. A lot has happen this past two weeks. For one, August tour is over and he's back in the A at his new house. And secondly, The girls stay with him now. I didn't really argue much because that WAS the plan from the get go.

Ava is 3 weeks. Her little butt is growing away. I'm still on maternity release from work but I still show up regardless. Only for an hour or so. My employees are in love with her! They say she's such a doll. Anyway, I haven't spoke to August these pass two weeks. He's been pretty busy I suppose. I have talked to Sheila. She calls every 20 minutes! I haven't seen or spoken to the girls either. I guess everyone is just taking a breather.

I just made it to work with Ava. It was pretty hard getting in my building. The paps were everywhere! I keep Ava covered up from the cameras. All they want is to catch a glimpse of her. When I got in, I smiled to everyone and took the elevator up to my work floor. When I got up there I was greeted by my employees. Sam isn't in today because she has to take Kiyan to the doctor.

When I got into my office I sat her baby bag down. I kept holding her because she was peacefully sleeping on my chest. I sat in my office chair and started getting caught up on my work. About 20 minutes into that Ava started crying. Her pacifier fell out her mouth so I put it back in. That kept her quiet for awhile but after another 20 minutes she cried again. She refused to take her pacifier so I had to get up and get her a bottle. I rocked her back and forth and patted her back trying to get her back to sleep. It worked. I went back to my work but I got interrupted by my phone. Without checking the caller ID I answered.

******Phone Convo******
Me- Hello?

Aug- Aye..Wussup?

Me- Oh. August.. H-Hey what do you want?

Aug- Ta see Ava.

Me- Ok. Where are you.

Aug- Ya can come by da studio.

Me- Ok. I'll be there in 10.

Aug- Ightt.

*****End Of Convo*****
I ended the call and stood up. I looked down at Ava whom was wide awoke.

Me-*Smiles* Lets get you change mama. *Baby Talks*

I flicked her bottom lip. She smiled. I smiled and did it again. She started giggling.

Me- You like that don't ya? *Smiles*

She smiled some more. I laid her down on the couch and got her diaper changed.

Me- There we go.

I picked her up and grabbed her pacifier and bottle. I then walked out my office and to the elevator. I took it all the way up to the top floor the studio was on. I got off and walked to August's studio room. I knocked and I heard somebody say come in. I walked in and I saw August sitting by the studio machine person. August stood up when I walked in.

Aug- Wussup.

He walked over to me and took Ava. She started crying so I gave her, her pacifier.

Aug- Fussey, Fussey, Fussey. Ya mamma got ya spoiled.

Me- I do not. More like you.

I sat on the couch. August sat beside me. Ava was looking up at him. Her face was still wet from her tears.

Aug- Wussuh babey.

August smiled down at her. She wrapped her tiny hand around August's finger. Their way of holding hands.

Me- How's the girls?

Aug- Dey straight.. Dey miss ya doe..Maybey dey can come ova ya house fa da weekend.

I nodded in agreement.

Me- Sounds like a plan.

Aug- And I can take Ava.

Me- You..with Ava for the weekend? Are you sure.

Aug- Positive..

Me- Ok. Fine with me... Do you even know how to change a diaper doe?

Aug- Some what.

I chuckled.

Me- I'll show you soon.

August smiled.

Aug- Ightt.. Cool.

Me- Fist bump to that.

I held out my fist for August to pound.

Aug- *Chuckles* Fist bump? How bout da manly handshake?

Me- I can't do that.

August told me to hold out my hand. I did. He tried to teach me the "Manly" handshake. We were both laughing because I kept messing up. Ava was even watching us. Somewhere in that I messed up and that messed August up and we ended up intertwining our fingers. We just looked at each other until Ava started crying and that knocked us out of our daze.

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