August's Pov

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August Pov
Ryan been in laba fa some time na. Hea contractions been pickin up. Dis babey should be hea soon from da looks of it.

I wus jus sitting on da couch by hea waitin fa da babey. Ryan been doing evereything ta keep hea mind off da pain. She been sleep fa da longest. I hope she ain't dead. Ta keep my mind off da babey and Ry I jus paced da flo. A nigga nervous as hell. Dis right some new beginning shit ya heard me.

Round 11:53 P.M. Ryan moved. I looked in hea direction and walked ta hea.

Me- Aye. Ya-GCO

Ry- It's time.

Me- Fa what?

Ry- The baby! It's time to push August! Is my doctor here?

Me- Yea she been hera. I'll go get hea.

Ry- You can't just leave me!

Me- Den how she gone get hea Ryan? Please tell me. I would like ta kno.

Ry- Fine!

She rolled hea eyes. I shrugged it off. Hormones. I walked ta the front desk and told dem dat Ryan is ready ta push and dat she needs hea doctor. I wus getting ready ta walk back ta hea but they stopped me and made me change in a light blue uniform. Dis shit ain't my style fareal. Ian complain doe.

Walkin back ta the laba room I wus scared as shit. Like no joke. My furst child.. A daughta at dat. Maybe it can change a nigga ya kno.. When I got bac ta da room Ryan wus crying. Dat must be putting hea through a lot of pain.

Me- Aye. I'm hera.

Ry- *Cries* I'm scared.

Me- Evereythings straight. Ightt. I got ya.

Ian even believe myself.

Ry- This hurts!

Me- I kno.

Ry- No you don't.

She cried harder and shook hea head. I bent down and gave hea a kiss.

Me- Ya got dis bae.

Ry- Where is the doctor. I'm ready to push!

Me- She on da way.

Ryan wus grippin my hand tight as shit. Like can a nigga get a little loose grip? When da docta came in dey started.

Docta-Push for 6 counts.

Ry- *Pushes*

I sneaked a peak at Ryan's ya kno part.

Me- Daaaaaamn.

Prime example of why I refuse ta eat random boxes. I mean dat looked nasty as hell right na.

Ry- Auguuuuust! *Yells*

She wus still pushin.

Me- I'm right hera. I got ya.

Ryan had so many tears on hea face. I kissed hea cheek fa comfort.

At 12:30 A.M. , September 3 my daughta wus born. Of course I did da honors of cutting da cord. Da nurse handed hea ta Ryan den.

Ry- *Crying* Hey my sweet baby... I love you so much.

She smiled down at hea and gave hea a kiss.

Nurse- Do ya'll have a name yet.

Ry- Yes. *Smiles* Ava Serenity Alsina.

Nurse- Beautiful. *Smiles*

She wrote it down. I smiled at da middle name. Serenity. Ryan handed me Ava and I took hea out ta show my Ma's and da girls.

Me- Hera is little me. *Smiles*

Sheila- Awww. What a beautiful Birthday Present you got there.

I chuckled. Dis is da best birthday presents I eva got.

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