Ryan's Pov

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(A/N Picture of Gabrellia)

Ryan Pov
So I'm taking Kay and Mya to school today. I decided to drive today. Chaylin woke up for a little but she fell back asleep. She's in bed with August. I think she didn't want to sleep alone so they both are knocked out cold.

Ms. Sheila got up extra early this morning. Going to lord knows where. Anyway, I put Kay's jacket along with her book bag. Amaiya was already ready. She looked off today.

I walked back to Aug's room and put my coat and boots on. I was wearing some black leggings with a saints jersey and some gold uggs. My hair was in a messy bun and I was makeup less.

Since Sheila had her car I had to use Aug's. I went in his pants pockets. I tried to be quiet but that didn't stop him from hearing me. He opened his eyes slightly.

Aug- Whera ya going?

Me- I'm taking the girls to school.

I guess August felt the little weight on his shoulder so he glanced over.

Aug- Ain't ya forget one.

Me- No she's um..sick.

Aug- Mhmk. Ightt.

Aug opened his arm and scooted Chay closer and closed his eyes. Aw, how protective. I smiled and was almost out the bedroom door when I heard him speak up again.

Aug- Aye ma. Ya driving?

Me- No dip August.

Aug- Ryan.

Before August can say anything else I walked out the door and closed it behind me. I gathered up the girls quickly and we walked out the house. They got in the back of August's truck and I got in the front. I started the car and we drove off. I stopped at McDonald's and got the girls some breakfast.

I took Kay to daycare first. As we headed for the door one of the daycare people opened it for us.

Person- Come on in kaykay. *Smiles*

I rubbed Kay's hair and smiled.

Me- Sorry she's late.

Person- Its ok. *Smiles*

Kay- Bye momma.

Kay opened her arms and I bent down and she hugged me around my neck and kissed my cheek. I kissed hers back.

Me- Have a good day.

Kay- Ok. *Smiles*

Kay walked in the daycare with her food and I walked back to the car. Mya was starring out the window. She looked like something was on her mind. She didn't even touch her food.

We made it to her and Chay's school. I cut the car off and stuck her food in her lunch box. She didn't have time to eat it now. She's extremely late.

We got out of the car and walked up to the door. Before opening it I turned to her.

Me- Hey. Look at me.

She glanced up at me.

Me- Whats up babe?

Her eyes started to get watery. She looked down as a tear fell. I pulled her into and rubbed her back.

Me- Aww what's wrong mymy?

Mya- It's not Chay's fault. *Sniffs*

Me- What you mean?

Mya- Her getting into that fight.... *Cries* She was only protecting me..

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