Ryan's Pov

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Ryan POV
So it's been a few weeks since I've seen Aug. Today he gets a little break from the tour so he's coming back to Nola. I'm not going to be at the house when he gets there because the girls and I are out for today. I took them shopping. Something they enjoy doing.

We pulled up to Garb Boutique that Toya Wright owns. I've heard they have really nice shoes. Immediately when we walked in she came up to me and her daughter, Nae, that's what I call her, came and took the girls to look around.

Me and Toya started having a conversation. Unlike me she looked gorgeous but I was makeup less and I was kind of uncomfortable in my outfit. Plus my hair was everywhere.

One of Toya employee brought me a cup of water. I gladly took that. When toya had to go check up on something I walked over to the girls. They had a hand full of this. I put my hands in my pocket and smiled.

Mya- Ry do you like these?

They were a pair of shoes which were black and white and had gold chains as shoes strings.

Me- I'm not the one that has to wear it.

I chuckled.

Me- Get what you want. *Smiles*

She smiled and put them in her pile.

I heard the door to the store open but I just thought it was a customer. I felt a pair of arms creep around my waist. I jumped and turned around. It was Aug.

Aug- *Chuckles*

Me- Not funny August. *Chuckles*

Aug embraced me around my waist. My hands were still in my pocket. We stood there like that until the girls turned around and spoke up.

Kay- Ew uncle August and Ryan.

August hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek. I chuckled at him because I know he was only doing that to see the girls reaction.

Chay covered Mya and Kay's eyes.

Mya- You two need a room.

Kay- Yea.

Chay- Not in public its embarrassing. *Smiles*

August turned around slightly.

Aug-*Chuckles* Embarrassing. Unc can't love on his girl na?

Kay-*Giggles* Not now!... Chay move your hand.

Chay- Sorry.

Chay moved her hand from Mya and Kay's eyes and Mya started rubbing hers.

Me- You ok? *Smiles*

She smiled and nodded. The girls went to another section of the store. August still was holding me.

Me- Somebody missed me. *Smirks*

Aug- Nah. I missed her.

He smirked and looked down at my stomach.

Me- Who said it was a girl.

Aug- I did.

Me- You wouldn't know.

Aug- A pops always knows. *Smiles*

Me- *Smirks* Get off me August Alselena.

I nudged August off me. He gave me a glare.

Aug- Ya can laugh now but one dey dats gone be ya last name.

Me- Yea yea yea. Don't try to wife me up just because I'm pregnant with your baby.

Aug-*Chuckles* Ightt.

I flicked August off.

Aug- Ya alreadey know I would.

He licked his lips.

Me-*Laughs* Quit being a little pervert puppy in public... It's embarrassing. *Chuckles*

I walked away from August and went to find the girl.

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