Y1 C6 ~ Conspiring

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The door to my living room swung open suddenly, and I found myself perking up at the sound, only to see my mother sweep into the room ghostly with Zinky scurrying close by her side, almost like a guard dog. I felt my face sink slightly as my mother looked at me with empty-looking, glass-like eyes. She looked lost.

"Is he still working?" I asked my mother, referring to my father. My mother only gave me a low-energy nod, her eyes focused on the wall to my right. I turned to see if something were there, but it was only family portraits. I realised she was only looking into space, rather than at an actual object.

"Yes..." she finally replied with words after I had already busied myself with breakfast. Her words were faintly, with a sing-y tune to it, as if she had remembered how to speak. I looked at her oddly as her eyes remained focused on the wall.

"... Are you alright?" I cocked my head to the side, scoping her frame up and down as if searching for something that would explain her weird demeanour. She was never like this.

She didn't respond, but instead she finally looked towards me, but not in the eye. Something in my stomach sunk.

Something was wrong.


The cold air of the winter ran through my hair, blowing it behind me and pricking the skin of my face with its chilling coldness, making me shudder. I let out a shaky breath of warm air, which clouded in front of me before dissipating.

With mitten-covered hands, I rubbed the sides of my arms in an attempt to avoid becoming too cold after feeling my face go almost completely numb from the cold whilst snow fell freely around me.

I glanced down at the small amount of snow that had blanketed the ground, and unconsciously dug the heels of my feet into the white, releasing a small crunching sound. My eyebrows knitted together loosely at my own actions as I watched more free-fall snow descend slowly around my feet.

The coo of an owl was heard in the distance and on instinct I turned towards it, seeing a brown-spotted owl flapping it's wings towards me whilst fighting against the harsh wind. I felt sorry for it.

I held my arm out and the owl perched itself. Taking the envelope from its beak, the owl instantly huddled into itself, making me smile fondly at it as its eyes closed, clearly exhausted from its struggle to fly in unforgiving wind.

As I went to open the letter, the wind that had been whipping my hair around aggressively suddenly ceased, and a dark silhouette moved in my peripheral vision. I looked over, almost calmly, towards the front gate of my manor, where the cloaked silhouette removed its hoodie, and my eyes widened in recognition.


"Mother?" I called out after stepping inside the manor from the cold, hearing the soft footsteps of Professor Snape following behind me.

I closed the front door behind me as gently as I could, but it was too heavy for me and accidentally slammed. I cringed as I turned to look at my monotone Professor awkwardly.

"Forgive me for asking, Sir, but... why are you here?" I asked him slowly, looking at him and watching as he slowly turned to glance down at me. I almost regretted asking, but didn't want to show what I was feeling.

His lips twitched, and I wasn't sure if he were holding back what was his version of a smile, or a frown. "I wish to speak with your father," he drawled, his eyes sweeping around the room of the front entrance. "It's important... So I'd prefer if I were able to speak with him now."

"Alright..." I replied weirdly, turning around to walk towards my fathers office as Snape made sure to walk ahead of me to my father's study. I felt myself grew confused. How did he know where my father's study was?

Before I could ask, Snape halted and looked towards me, giving me a look that dared me not to enter or listen in. But when he entered and the door to the study closed behind him, that's exactly what I did.

To my dismay, I could barely make out any coherent sentences, only being able to make out a fear words apart from the vibrations of their voices. I leaned in closer but it didn't make much of a difference.

"I see - busy." Snape's voice sounded from within the walls of the study. I cursed under my breath at being unable to hear the full sentence, realising I wouldn't be able to hear most of their exchange.

"Stop - the taunts." my father's voice followed sharply. I payed extra attention when I was able to hear enough words to understand what he were saying. "You know why-" The rest became muffled and incoherent, so I pressed my ear to the door curiously. They both sound on-edge from what I heard so far.

"-es she suspect you?" I could almost feel the tension between the two as I heard movement, which I guessed to be Snape pacing. I ever-so-carefully slid to the ground, leaning my shoulder against the door. I propped a knee up for support.

"As -, she thinks - overwhelmed with - work." My brows upon realising they were talking about me. I became only more confused at how my father were lying about what he had been doing in the study the entirety of my homestay - but it still looked important?

Zinky appeared from around the corner and looked at me in shock after catching me eavesdropping. Panic swelled in my stomach when spotting her.
I waved my hands around at her frantically. 

"-you understand - I've come." 

Bringing a finger to my lips, I signal her to stay quiet. She looks hesitant at my action. 

"And - sure you - my wife hadn't - you at the door." 

Zinky eventually nodded. I mouthed to her, 'save me if I need'. She seemed to understand what I meant, then snapped her fingers, moving elsewhere. I sighed in relief and listened in again.

"-turns out, I'm aware of - situation. I've - offer some assistance."
"'Assistance'? With?" My father asked. I leaned onto the door, hoping to hear better.
"Your daughter." My eyes widened.
"-which kind of- would you - referring to -?"
"-make sure - strays from danger regarding-." I bit my lip in worry. I wanted to know what he was talking about.
"...Would you really?"
"It so happens, I don't hate - her." Snape actually likes me? I thought he hated everyone!
"That surprises me." Same, Dad. Same.
"Hm. I best be off. You'll be hearing from me again."
"I figured."

At the sound of shuffling, I jumped up from where I sat on the ground and went to run away, but like I had asked prior, Zinky appeared from thin air and grabbed my hand in a flash, snapping her fingers and teleporting the both of us to my room, saving me from getting caught and potentially in serious trouble.

I looked at Zinky and breathed out a 'thank you'. Adrenaline had me practically panting. Zinky just nodded with a smile, then teleported away again.

I sighed and walked over to my large bed, flopping onto it and feeling myself bounce upwards slightly at the action, and something crinkling in my pocket. I sat up and dug my hand inside, pulling out an envelope and remembering the owl from earlier that had flown away when Snape arrived.

My name was written on it in precisely on the front. I flipped it over in my hand and tore it open messily, dragging the letter out from the inside and opening it to read its contents. It only said one phrase:

'Merry Christmas, Y/n!'

It was written three times in the letter, each with different handwriting. However, underneath each one, a name had been signed. Harry. Ron. Hermione.

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