Y6 C1~ Horace Slughorn and Tom Riddle

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Over the break once school had finished, I had kept in touch with everyone I was close with, but the one person I found myself constantly sending letters to, was Harry. I had never seen him look so empty in all the years I spent growing up with him.

His letter responses were always short, and while he tried to assure me he was all right, I knew that the loss had a tough impact on him. And witnessing his react in person to it, made me understand just how painful it was to him.

There was nothing I could do but check up on him as the days passed. I couldn't be there for him in person, but I sure as hell will be when we leave for Hogwarts tomorrow. I was his friend, and that's what friends do.


My mother waved at me from the crowd of parents as the Hogwarts Express sounded its departure. She looked much happier than I had ever seen her, which made me smile contently as a result. I couldn't help it.

My father, thankfully, had been spent to Azkaban prison along with numerous Death Eaters, so I was now free to act however way I wished.

"Y/n, Stephanie is speaking complete bull." Angelique said irritatedly from the seat across from me.

I sighed and leaned away from the window, removing my shin that rested on the seat to help me get a clearer view of outside. I shuffled my body and practically jumped into a sitting position on my seat, giving Angelique my attention.

"What did you do now, Steph?" I teased the less-social twin, scrunching my nose at her with the shake of my head.

She rolled her eyes and brought her legs up to her chest, before holding her knees as she went into a criss-crossed sitting position.

"Nothing," She said defensively. "Can't I voice an opinion?" She huffed; refusing to meet the gaze of any of us in the compartment and instead kept it glued to her shoes.

I raised a brow with a smirk. "And that opinion was?"

Her eyes snapped to mine. "Just that I think that if anyone is the safest, it's Dumbledore and the Death Eaters. Dumbledore is o-p as heck, and the Death Eaters are the ones killing everyone."

I pressed my lips in a tight line. "I guess that's right, now that I think about it."
I thought for a moment, pressing a finger to my chin. I looked at her.
"But why does it matter, anyway?"

"I dunno," She grumbled. "I had been thinking a lot recently."


I had yet to see Harry. Even Ron and Hermione were seated at the Gryffindor table eating their dinner and he was nowhere to be found. It was odd, and I found myself wondering if he had been so upset over Sirius' death that he had left Hogwarts. But he wouldn't, it's not like him to do so.

Speaking of the devil, Harry entered the Hall with blood coming out of his nose as he walked awkwardly to Ron and Hermione.

"What did he do this time?" Angelique said to me, referring to Harry and his talent for getting in trouble. I guess I wasn't the only one curious about his bloody nose. And judging by the look on his face, it wasn't just a blood vessel burst. Someone was responsible. But who, and why? Sure, he has a 'punch me' face, but still.

Another teacher by the name of Horace Slughorn was introduced by Dumbledore— and surprisingly, it wasn't as a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, but as a Potions teacher, which gave Professor Snape the roll.

Casting my eyes along the Slytherin table, my gaze landed on my boyfriend— are we even still together?—, whom looked almost ill. He didn't seem right. In fact, he looked like he was losing his grip on himself. I made a mental note to speak to him about it later.

Draco X Reader ▸ HIS PRIDE | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora