Y4 C6~ Potter Stinks

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Meeting in the vacant classrooms became the impromptu place for Angelique and Draco to talk. Outside these rooms no words were exchanged between the two, neither were stares or gestures of recognition or familiarity. Outside these rooms, they were not friends.

Draco wouldn't admit it to Angelique, but if it weren't for her, he would go mad. There are numerous thoughts he never voiced, not to Angelique, and not even aloud to himself. Despite this, she is the only person in his life he considered a friend.

Crabbe, Goyle, Knott - the lot of them - were a band of knuckle-heads who could care less about his feelings. It's his status they flocked to like moths to lamplight, not him as an individual. Angelique saw him for what he was, and for what he needed.

Albeit with that being said, there was still a lot she didn't know. Though, she sure was beginning to catch on. Like his relationship with a particular female classmate.

Draco's fingers slowly folded into a loose fist on the table as he watched Angelique's rant, feeling heavy after earlier's scene. She paced back and forth, palm draped across her forehead, other on her hip.

"Rita is full of it, I'm telling you," she said bitterly, words coming out like hisses.

Draco's eyes sunk, drifting to the door. "My father is going to kill me." He said quietly, though the exaggerated extremity of his words contrasted the meek tone.

"Merlin, you and Y/n are as dramatic as each other," she muttered with a dramatic roll of her eyes. She dropped herself in the chair across from him, taking his attention away from the door. "Just because your father clearly wants you to get cozy with her doesn't mean he's going to kill you over one inconvenience. Just say Rita lied, Y/n's not dating Harry, and he can calm down."

Draco's eyes narrowed. "My father is not an understanding man," he said darkly. "Knowing him, I wouldn't be surprised if he were already doing something about all of this." He leaned back in his chair, dropping his hands to his sides.

He knew Y/n didn't like Potter - not in that way. He could tell when he saw how upset she was over the article, not that a howler from her own father helped, either. He just hoped the article didn't give Potter any ideas.

There was one thing Draco did know. If it wasn't for Potter, neither Y/n nor Draco would be in trouble the next time they saw their parents.

"I don't know why your father's got his knickers in a twist over this. It's not like it's your fault - or Y/n's," Angelique said dryly. "Why does it bother him so much that he had to send a howler?"

Draco tensed, jaw going so tight it caused a cramp in his cheek. It's as if his heart stopped. While it might be the right time to tell her, and she'd be sure to understand, a part of him worries she'd tell Y/n. If he can help it, he'll postpone Y/n from knowing until the last possible moment.

"Our fathers are friends. Hers and mine," he decided on saying instead. Not the full truth, but truth enough. "They want us to be friends."

"Don't you want that too?" She queried, tilting her head. "I always thought you just had an emotional control problem. Or is it that you don't want to be friends with her on their accord?"

He didn't answer, but relaxed his jaw instead.

"It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, though. Why's he acting like he's ready to cane you over her potentially seeing someone?"

His eyes widened then darkened, demeanour completely changing. "You don't know when to stop, do you?" He spat, standing up and stalking for the door to leave.

"Draco, wait," Angelique quickly called out, ready to follow if needed. "I'm sorry."

He left, closing the door behind him. But when the door closed, an idea striked him like a bolt of lightning. The charm should be impressive enough to get someone's attention.

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