Y3 C1~ THAT'S Draco?!

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The bustling noises of students and compartment doors slamming open and closed rung in my ears as I forced my way through the thinning crowd, manoeuvring my way through and down the train as Hermione, Harry and Ron stuck close behind me.

"I don't think there's-" — Hermione was shoved into my back by the shuffling students; nearly knocking me over but I catch myself before I tripped. I collected myself and continued making my way through, "any compartments left."

I kept looking forward. "There has to be at least one, surely." I said hopefully, trying to believe my own words more than attempting to sound reassuring to Hermione. By the looks of it, either most of, or all, were already occupied. The noise booming only moments ago was almost completely settled.

"Guys! In here." Angelique's voice called from the compartment to my right. I smiled gratefully as Harry and Ron let out worn, yet relieved, sighs. Ron and Harry passed through the sliding door and sat beside each other, Hermione following soon after.

As I was stepping inside, my eyes catch a familiar patch of platinum blond hair from down the hallway of the train. I glanced over and my eyes locked with theirs as they watched me. My jaw nearly dropped open when I finally recognised who it was.

A subtle hammering beat against my chest as Draco didn't move. Crabbe and Goyle were transfixed on their own conversation as Blaise appeared to scold them until they went quiet.

To my surprise, Draco didn't glare back at me. Instead, we both stood there, looking back at each other from a few meters distance. A strange sense of déjà vu lingered in the back of my mind, but my main focus was on how much he's changed in appearance - which was a lot. He was nearly unrecognisable. He was just - wow.

His skin seemed much healthier in colour, and he'd gotten way taller, in what felt like such little time. The baby fat from his cheeks had slimmed out, along with his tall frame. But what surprised me the most was his hair. He had, to my complete shock, stopped using gel and let his hair hang in light bangs.

The thought of him actually listening to my comment last year set off a barrage of butterflies in my stomach, and heat gathered in my cheeks.

It wasn't until Chloe spoke that I broke out of my petrified state. "Y/n, you gonna to come in and sit down?"

I blinked and nodded, tearing my eyes off Draco and awkwardly taking a seat beside Chloe.

Now that we were all sitting down, we all squirmed to make more room as the compartment was fitting the absolute maximum capacity of people. We were all trying our best to get more space, but it wasn't working out too well.

Angelique let out an amused huff. "Do you fancy him?" Angelique asked me whilst referring to Draco; grinning like an idiot and shooting a wink at me.

I shifted uncomfortably in my spot before Chloe spoke up. "I didn't get to see him, but I heard girls down in the other compartments talking about how much better looking he's gotten." She stated; a look mixed with curiosity and disbelief on her face.

"Because the last thing we needed was for Malfoy to get better looking." I crossed my arms cross my chest and rolled my eyes before noticing the look of bewilderment across Harry, Ron and Hermione's faces. "What?" I exclaimed defensively, uncrossing my arms.

Hermione cleared her throat, avoiding eye contact by looking elsewhere. Ron and Harry shifted in their spots gracelessly.

Chloe smirked. "What was that, Y/n?" She raised her eyebrows with teasing mockery.

Angelique snickered, making me groan in annoyance before rolling my eyes. "Immature." I muttered under my breath, though my heart was racing.

Before anyone else had a chance to speak, the Hogwarts express came to an abrupt halt just as the power went out, leaving us blind in the darkness enveloping us. Frost spread from the corners of the window, webbing itself across the glass as it stretched outwards.

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