It's Been Fun!

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Hopefully the epilogue didn't suck? I wanted '19 Years Later' to be different to the rest and feel a lot more personal, and also something that would suit my writing style :3 Big thanks to Ravenclaw_Fangirl07 for offering to read the last chapter and giving me your thoughts on posting it! You were a big help!

There's a few little easter eggs hidden in the epilogue; did you guys pick up on them? Here's a hint: check the names of the children! Let me know if you found them and realised the little WiNk WoNkS.

I also just wanted to throw it out there that if I never started this fic I would've never met one of my favourite people on the planet; Maya_Morana ! I literally love this girl so much (platonically) 💜💜 it literally feels like I've known her for years. Love u, Maya <3

Oof, ANYWAYS— I honestly didn't think writing this story would take as long as it did, yet over a year later; here we are!

The amount of times I've teared up or just straight up SOBBED over your beautiful comments— literally you guys are some of the most amazing and kind people I've ever met! Thank you so much for your beautiful words of encouragement!!! And thank you so much to the people who were patient with me and my haphazard updates, you really helped when it came to me coping this stress.

I really, truly, hope you enjoyed this fanfic despite it not being very good (especially when there are so many talented writers writing Harry Potter fanfics of their own!). It means so much that you all have given it a chance and seen it through to the end and put up with the— hopefully— roller coaster it was! I tried to add as much humour as possible to the story since the concept of Harry Potter is quite dark (especially in the last two years), so I sincerely hope you at least had a little chuckle once in awhile!

AND WHAT THE HECK? You guys got this fanfic to over 250k views?!?! THANK YOU SMMM 😭💜💜

I'm still in disbelief ya'll supported me through this whole thing-- gah! I'm actually at a loss for words. It's because of all of you I was able to learn to become confident and have faith in my writing!

I actually have a question that I wanted to ask YOU guys!

Who was your favourite OC in the story?

I didn't want to add any original characters initially when I was planning this garbage, but I wanted to give Y/n her own independence to make friends rather than rely on the Golden Trio, so I'm super sorry if any of them shared names with you!

And fun fact about one of the OC's: they're based off my best friend irl, and each line they had in the story were lines created by them personally so they were as close of a representation to them as possible.

Here's her Wattpad account if you're interested in checking her out!

Chloe ☞ blazingIemotion

Don't hesitate to leave your thoughts on this fanfic! I don't take things personally and love feedback! And hey, if you ever want to drop by and say hi or even become friends, feel free to leave a message on my Message Board! I don't discriminate nor judge, and if you're shy, it's all good! I don't bite!

If you're into Dream Team and mcyt's you may like to also take a look at the fanfics I have for the fandom on my profile! I love them so much and I really think you'd enjoy them as well! (more coming soon!)

Special thanks to my best friend blazingIemotion for helping me with the process of writing this story. You really motivated me and made sure I completed this fanfic even when I was getting frustrated with the pressure to update. If you haven't already, definitely check out her profile and My Hero Academia fanfics!! They're amazing!!

Thanks for reading my trash and putting up with my crappy excuse for humour, I love you guys 💜💜

Until next time,
Faith xx

Final Word Count: 85,721

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