Y3 C3~ Buckbeak

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The golden sun peaked past the ancestral trees which expanded towards the sky. The lilt in your footsteps followed your being trekking through the coarse dirt and shrivelled leaflets as you, along with the other students taking Care of Magical Creatures, followed the newly dubbed Professor as he took the lead to a more reserved section of the forest for your class.

"That's it. Come on, now. Come closer," Professor Hagrid, though it didn't particularly roll off the tongue, instructed you all. You glanced up upon hearing his voice, "less talking, if you don't mind." He added softly over the blethering of everyone in proximity.

Draco, walking with his social group, watched you from the corner of his eyes subconsciously. He hadn't even realised he was currently blocking out his friends as he watched you step over a tree root which stretched awkwardly out of the flattened dirt, laughing with Chloe as the two of you conversed. He, without realising, wondered if he could make you laugh like that. At least, he did, until the off-putting laughs of his friends stole his attention away from you, and he pushed the thought away.

Eventually the small journey came to a halt in a large clearing of trees, giving you the opportunity to take in the location Hagrid had guided the class to. The light radiating from the sun was dimmed by the leaves of the surrounding trees, making it shady and far cooler. A small breeze passed, helping the heat that clung to your body gradually shed away.

"Form a group over there," Hagrid prompted with a pointed finger, gesturing to an open spot that was further than where he himself stood, however still close enough for everyone to hear him, "and open your books to page forty-nine."

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco demanded with a rude tone as he glared towards the half-giant, regarding him lowly. Showing an ounce of respect towards the newfound Professor was the last thing on the Malfoy's mind.

Hagrid, choosing to ignore the blatant contempt he received, answered anyway, "Just stroke the spine, of course... Goodness me." Hagrid muttered as he turned away, shaking his head with disbelief.

Draco, albeit with a judgemental look, shrugged and ran his index and middle finger along the spine of the book clutched in his hand. When it shivered, he was able to open it without being attacked. He raised his eyebrows at Hagrid in both surprise and scorn then walked off to a cluster of rocks, where his group followed suit.

"I think they're funny." Hermione admitted as she joined your side, clearly in an attempt to defend your mutual friend's questionable choice in textbooks. You nodded in agreement, but said nothing due to there being no need.

Draco was quick to say insert himself into your already-over conversation, "Oh, yeah. Terribly funny. Really witty," he said sarcastically, eyeing you subtly to make sure you were watching. You only rolled your eyes. Once he noticed your reaction, he tore his gaze away from you and Hermione and brought it to Hagrid, eyes half-lidded, "God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait 'til Father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." His crowding friends laughed blindly in an attempt to suck up.

Harry stalked up to the pureblood wizard, almost emerging out of nowhere, "Shut up, Malfoy."

Draco smirked, cockily shrugging his bag off his shoulder and dropping it in Crabbe's hands without sparing him a glance. He then stalking over to Harry in an intimidating manner, eyeing him up and down with amusement as he sized him up. You watched from the side with a flustered expression. You didn't expect to find Malfoy's advance attractive, yet here you were hiding your blush.

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