Y6 C6~ Sectumsempra

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The words of Ron being poisoned reached my ears after the words had spilled from Harry's lips, and I found myself wondering if Draco was the cause of his. He told me at the tower that he had to do something bad, but I didn't think it was for a something like poisoning Ron (even if it wasn't necessarily supposed to be for Ron in the first place). However, the one thing that stuck out to me the most about this particular story, was the fact that the drink was meant to be for Dumbledore. It made me uneasy.

Apparently Ron had been dating this girl named Lavender— which I was only mad about because he and Hermione have had some really touching moments and I felt absolutely betrayed—, but then had broken up with her in his sleep or something like that. I didn't ask questions because I didn't care.

I stumbled backwards when someone's shoulder had hit mine upon passing. I darted around to see Harry storming after Draco with an angry force.

Sensing something was wrong, I chased after them.

"Harry!" I yelled to no answer. "Harry!" I yelled a second time; my feet slamming against the floor as I followed them around the corner, until I saw them both disappear into Myrtle's bathroom.

I slowed down to quieten my footsteps, resting my back against the half-closed door and pressing my temple to the surface, listening in. I only heard short sobs, until Harry's voice interjected.

"I know what you did, Malfoy," Harry confronted harshly. Draco's cries cut short. "You hexed her didn't you?" Katie Bell. I covered my mouth and continued listening in, my chest rising and dropping as my heart rate increased in speed.

There was a moment of silence before I heard the sound of porcelain breaking and glass shattering. I looked in and saw Draco sending spells towards where I assumed Harry was taking cover.

Water was spilling everywhere from the faucet and pooling over the edges of the basin, flooding the floor. And before I knew what I was doing, I jumped in and took Draco's hand after hearing the shuffling of water echo from where Harry was, signalling his attack of defence.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry shouted.

Gripping Draco's hand, I pulled him out of the way and into me just as the spell shot past and made contact with the wall, a crack emerging from the hard contact.

My chest heaved as my eyes switched back and forth between the two boys.

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