Y2 C5~ Polyjuice Potion

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"I'm here!" I announced upon sprinting into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, my voice sounding airy due to the bathroom's tiling. Strands of Pansy's hair were pinched between my fingers tightly as to avoid dropping them.

"How did you get it?" Ron asked me with surprise as I stood beside him, blowing a strand of hair away from my eyes. His eyes grew wide in curiosity.

Harry walked over as I went to explain. "I needed some help so I asked Angelique, and she jumped Pansy and got the hairs for me," I answered a little too calmly. When I saw the shocked look on Ron's face, I quickly back-peddle. "Pansy's fine! I made sure before Angelique and I locked her in a cupboard." That sounds worse.... Anyways-

"Never mind," Hermione quickly said as Harry took the thin black strands from my hold and carefully sprinkled them into a glass filled with a bubbling rotten-green liquid. It looked nasty and chunky to me. "We better hurry."

I resisted the urge to gag when Harry handed the glass to me. The smell was vile and burned my nose. Covering my nose, I counted to three under my breath and chugged the entire cup of the potion down, feeling its chunks travel down my throat sent shivers down my spine. My stomach immediately churned and I felt sick.

I walked over to and clutched the sink, hanging my head low and trying not to think about it. I didn't look up until I saw my hands contorting and the bones felt like they were shifting around. I looked into the mirror and saw my hair getting shorter and growing darker. My facial features soon grew pointier and my skin got paler, until I looked identical to Pansy.

My mouth dropped open as I raised my hands to touch the skin on my face. Once my fingers connected to my cheeks, I shrieked. "I look ugly!" I quickly covered my mouth when I realised how loud I was.

"Our turn." Harry then said, interrupting my meltdown and tapping his glass against Ron and Hermione's one, muttering a 'cheers' and swallowing it.

"Fine, leave me out of your 'cheers'," I murmured with an eye roll, crossing my arms. "It's not like I have feelings or anything..."

"I think I'm going to be sick." Ron stated, ignoring me and running into a cubicle, slamming the door behind him shut. It wasn't long before Hermione did the same and ran into the stall, slamming the door as well.

I watched as Harry turned into Goyle right before my eyes. His skin bubbled beneath his light-skinned flesh along his body as his head began to grow taller and slightly pudgier. His eyes shrunk in size and went dark in his iris'.

"You look just like him..." I trailed off, looking at Harry from head-to-toe and taking the transformation in. It looked way cooler witnessing the potion at work on someone else. His eyes went wide upon looking at himself in the mirror to see the effects from polyjuice potion he just drunk.

"And you look just like Pansy." He replied with a chuckle, shoulders shaking.

I pushed a sigh from my lips, holding my forehead and shaking my head gently. "Don't remind me."

The sound of the stall door opening took Harry's and my's attention, and Ron emerged out of the stall, looking like an exact replica of Crabbe. "Bloody hell." Ron murmured as he looked at himself in the mirror, touching his new hair and cheeks with shaky hands.

"You need to sound more like Crabbe." I told Ron, sending him a smirk. Harry nodded in agreement.

Ron cleared his throat and tried again with a deeper voice. "Bloody hell." He looked at me for approval, and I quickly grinned in satisfaction.

"Much better," Looking over at the stall Hermione was still in, I waited patently for another moment before speaking up. "You ready, Hermione?"

Walking over to her stall, I knocked on the door and took a step back, expected the door to unlock it and come out so we could get going.

Draco X Reader ▸ HIS PRIDE | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang