Y4 C12~ Voldemort's Return

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"He was what?" I gasped, feeling dread pool in my stomach, weighing me down. A man was found dead... on Hogwarts grounds.

"Dead." Hermione repeated with a dull look, lips pressed in a thin line. "Barty Crouch was found dead shortly after the Second Task. We don't know who's done it, but we suspect it was who put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire."

There was a build up in my chest, like I was climbing a ride that was moments away from a huge drop. I could only look at her wearily, and thanked her for keeping me updated.

"Of course," she smiled, though the worry was still woven into her expression. I couldn't blame her. Knowing a murder that was left to be discovered meant it was intentional. Things weren't going to stay quiet for much longer.


The horns sounded and the four champions were sent running blindly into the maze, completely unsuspecting as to what they would come in contact with, much like the rest of us.

Not only were the tricks inside the maze were a danger to the champions, but so was the actual maze itself. It would frequently shift so the routes would change, doing so in order to confuse the champions and make the final task all the more difficult to complete.

It made sense making the final task the most challenging, but surely it didn't have to be nearly as life-threatening. I quite value the lives of my friends, unlike the teachers.

I cheered with Hermione and Chloe against the loud reverberating against the tune of the various instruments. The music was upbeat and chirpy. Ironic, considering I felt the opposite. The dread from earlier was beginning to subside, but the moment we walked onto these grounds for the final task, it returned with an intensity which made me nauseous.

Despite the anxiety clawing its way through me with its animalistic assault, I comforted myself at how it was only a matter of time before the winner of the tournament would be official and this dangerous tournament would be over.

Everyone was in high hopes for their own school to win. Luckily for Hogwarts, we had a two-in-four chance of winning, so the odds were in our favour.

The cheering exploded even louder than I thought possible as the third and final task finally began, and the champions set off, sprinting inside the maze's foggy abyss, leaving us again unknowing to the horrors within.


It felt like it had been hours, and none of the champions had yet conquered the maze and seized victory in the tournament.

Hermione had disappeared quite a while ago, promising she'd be right back. Chloe and I were wondering where she had gone, suspecting it was just the bathrooms, only to return pulling Ron.

For a moment I thought about how suspicious they appeared, almost like they were flirting, until I realised it was Hermione seemingly encouraged to do something while he, himself, appeared hesitant.

Ron began heading towards me. I nudged Chloe, subtly gesturing towards him, and instantly she stood more firmly and slightly rolled up her sleeves. Ron noticed her movements - which she definitely had wanted him to see - and looked behind him to where Hermione stood, who was waving her hands in a 'go on' motion.

He turned back to me, cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, before reaching me. Before he or I said anything, his arms were around me, instantly making me go tense. I see Chloe in my peripheral ready to throw him off me, looking annoyed.

"I'm sorry," Ron murmured. I felt his chest vibrate beneath me when he spoke. I sighed, and the tension left as quickly as it had come.

I went to reply, but from over Ron's shoulder, I saw Draco, staring at me dead-on. The crowd around him moved animatedly, while he only stood there, eyes on Ron and I and the hug we were in.

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