Y6 C8~ A Light In The Sky

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My body shook as a stepped on the platform below where Dumbledore stood and Harry came rushing down. I knew what was to happen, but who could truly be prepared to witness something like this? No sane person could.

I could leave and turn back, sleep in my dorm and forget I was here. But I was frozen in place, unable to move any muscle. I was stuck. I was petrified.

Harry joined my side, seemingly choosing not to question my presence, and had focused instead on Dumbledore, whose cloak was slightly swaying behind him due to the chilly wind of the night. Dumbledore's expression remained passive as Draco emerged, his wand pointed threateningly towards the headmaster.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, feeling my legs grow heavy. Dread was creeping up on me, and the overwhelming feeling was too unbearable. Subconsciously, I grabbed the sleeve of Harry's jumper. He didn't react.

"Good evening, Draco. What brings you here on this fine spring evening?" Dumbledore initiated, being collected and relaxed the entire time.
"Who else is here?" Draco asked defensively, his voice strained as if he was holding back tears. "I heard you talking."
There was a ghost of a smile on Dumbledore's face. "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful." He paused. "Have you been whispering to yourself, Draco?"
When Draco didn't respond, Dumbledore's expression softened. I could see Draco's wand-held hand shaking. "Draco, you are no assassin." Dumbledore said softly.
Draco jerked his wand towards him. "How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you!"
I bit my lip. Harry watched on with a tense look on his face, equal to mine. But for a different reason.

"Oh, like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she would bear a cursed necklace to me?" Dumbledore responded, revealing he was fully aware of Draco's intentions from the beginning. "Like replacing a bottle of mead with one lace with poison— Forgive me, Draco, I cannot help feel these actions are so weak that your heart can't really have been in them."
"He trusts me!" Draco cried, his hand white from how tight he was clutching his wand. "I was chosen." He grasps the sleeve of his suit, roughly pulling it over his elbow and leaving his Dark Mark on full display.
Dumbledore carefully pulled out his wand. "I shall make it easy for you-"
Draco was quick. "Expelliarmus!" The wand was knocked out of Dumbledore's hold.
"Very good. Very good."
Draco flinched.

The sound of a door swinging open sounded, taking the attention of Dumbledore, and making Draco look even more on-edge. Reality was sinking in.

"You're not alone," Dumbledore noted. "There are others. How?" He leaned forward, surprised.
"The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement," Draco answered matter-of-factly. "I've been mending it."
"Let me guess, it has a sister. A twin."
"In Borgin and Burkes." Draco confirmed. "They form a passage."
"Ingenious." There was a moment where time felt as if it stood still. "Draco, years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you."

Draco held his wand outwards, his whole body shaking as the light of the moon made his face seem paler and the tears in his eyes noticeable. "I don't want your help! Don't you understand?" He gritted his teeth harshly, voice cracking. "I have to do this." His voice broke. "I have to kill you." I covered my mouth, tears bringing my eyes as hearing the pain in his tone. "...Or he's gonna kill me..."

"Oh, look what we have here," Bellatrix teased as she whipped over to Draco, standing behind him and bringing her lips to his ear. "Well done, Draco."
Dumbledore was quick to interject. "Good evening, Bellatrix. I think introductions are in order, don't you?"
"Love to, Albus, but I'm afraid we're on a bit of tight schedule." Bellatrix retorted sarcastically. She whipped to Draco. "Do it!" She hissed.

"He doesn't have the stomach. Just like his father." An unknown man intervened, rather than Draco. He resembled the appearance of a wolf with his body covered in hair and his teeth sharp, along with his nails. "Let me finish him in my own way."

"No! The Dark Lord was clear the boy is to do it." Feeling a third presence, I turned and made eye contact with Snape, who brought a finger to his, signalling Harry and I to stay quiet.
Draco didn't budge. "This is your moment, do it. Go on, Draco, no-o-ow!"

Draco looked desperate as he aimed his wand towards Dumbledore, beginning to lower it before Snape entered the scene just in time. "No."
"Severus," Dumbledore whispered. "Please..."
Snape hesitated.
"Avada Kedavra."

The green spell shot out instantly before hitting Dumbledore square in the chest, his body toppling and falling over railing. I would've screamed if it weren't for Harry covering my mouth. I looked at his glossy eyes, feeling the tears of my own grow thick.

Harry and I quickly hid as Bellatrix, wand in hand, leant over the railing and let out an exclamation of ecstasy as she shot a light into the sky. The dark clouds twisted and turned, forming the shape of a skull and snake.

Snape grabbed Draco by the shoulder, pulling him away and down the stairs. All the Death Eaters left and I found myself chasing after Harry that followed them. More specifically, Snape.

They all kept a fast pace as they left the school building. The light of fire sparked, engulfing Hagrid's hut in flames as Bellatrix jumped around like a child with her arms in the air, her laughs being one of the few things you could hear.

"Snape, he trusted you!" Harry shouted with such hate and anger I found my hairs standing on end.
"Go on!" Snape shouted to Draco, waving his hand. Draco looked my way but ultimately turned around and fled. I didn't blame him. I wanted to do the same.
I looked at Harry chases after the professor. "Harry! Stop!"
He ignored me. "Incarcerous!" He shouted at Snape, only to be knocked backwards by Snape swiftly deflecting it.
"Fight back, you coward! Fight back!"

I dropped to my knees. Everything was happening so fast.


End of Year 6

Draco X Reader ▸ HIS PRIDE | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang