Y4 C1 ~ Taunt

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My feet were practically grounded to the welcome mat as the doorhandles glimmered with taunt, daring me to knock on its door and go inside. The wind passed by my neck, grazing the skin with its chilling air, making the dip in my stomach worsen and my hair raise on end. This is so unbelievably embarrassing. So embarrassing.

With a defeated, weak sigh, I raised my hand and knocked my knuckles into the large front door, which was stained a deep grey colour. My heart felt like it had stopped working when murmuring followed upon my knock from the other side, sounding frazzled and annoyed.

The door swung open to reveal a house elf with wide ears and doe-like eyes, which stared up at me with trepidation. Behind him, almost lurking in the shadow's of his home, is Lucius Malfoy, standing tall and stoic. Noticing my being here, he offered a small smile, knocking his house elf away with his cane and gesturing me to come inside.

"Move. We have a guest," I swallowed dryly and walked inside, feeling the door creak shut behind me from the ground's subtle tremor beneath my feet.

Lucius walked before me, pressing his cane into the ground. "What brings you here, Y/n?" While it sounded like he's trying to being polite, his voice will always contradict him.

I glanced behind him, seeing a flicker of blond locks move in the opposite direction. When I looked back to Lucius, he had an expectant look to his face.

"My father has asked I speak to Draco about-" I pursed my lips, "something important."

Lucius nodded in understanding, assumably because he knows exactly what is so important. He's the one who got me in trouble. "Ah, I see. Well then, carry on. Don't let me keep you." He moved away and in a heartbeat I'm walking away quickly, stiffly. Something about Mr Malfoy has always irked me.

I roamed the halls searching for Draco.

'"Lucius Malfoy has informed me about something rather surprising."

"Really?" I asked, genuinley curious. What is it?

"Correct me if I'm wrong Y/n," he replied slowly, patronisingly. It was then I knew I was in trouble. "He had sent a letter explaining a situation that occurred at Hogwarts between his son and a Mudblood. Do you know what he's referring to? I'd hate for this story to hold weight."

I gulped. "No."

He raised his brows. "'No,' what? 'No nothing happened' or, 'no something did'?" His glasses glinted menacingly from the light, like the small flicker in a forest fire before catching aflame to its trees. Small, but on the verge of combustion. "Be very, very careful with your answer, Y/n."

I exhaled, biting my lip worryingly, already knowing he's only baiting me, knowing he already had his answer. "No, something did happen."

"I thought so." He uttered coldly, glancing back at the letter in his hand and rereading its contents. "It says here that according to Draco, your friend - of muggle heritage - had "raised her hands" towards him and you did nothing."

"That's true," I confirmed with a flat voice, bracing myself.'

"Why are you in my house?" Draco Malfoy, the topic of discussion, the reason for my being here, spoke from the corner of the room I nearly passed by because of my wandering mind.

"You should know," I replied sarcastically, walking in the room and closing the door. The air is noted with the smell of burnt wood, curtesy of the crackling fireplace. "You're the reason I'm here right now." I dropped myself into the leather sofa opposite him, heaving a sigh.

He didn't face me, eyes plastered onto the book in his hand. I just knew he wasn't actually reading it. "Big accusation, Shade." He commented humorously, a smile twitching on his face as he turned to me, light of the fireplace swirling mischievously.

My heart clenched at the sight. Once again, in only a few months, Draco Malfoy had become more attractive.

"You snitched to your father about what happened with Hermione just to get me into trouble. I had nothing to do with that." I huffed, pursing my lips and watching his reaction. His smirk grew and my heart soared.

His voice was smooth as he dragged it out. "Oh, I dunno, Shade," his amusement grew when my eyes widened at his voice, "you could've done something to stop her, surely." He teased.

He must know his voice is making me flustered, otherwise why else would he try to drag it out the moment he saw my expression change?

"Stop it," I said carefully, hands grasping the hem of my skirt as I looked away, thankful for the light of the fireplace to cover the warmth spreading across my face as a result of him. "You always do things like this."

"Things like what?" He pushed, leaning in closer, putting his book down. I felt his stare, his cocky grin, and I bit my lip. When I didn't turn back to him he forced me to look at him by grabbing my chin sternly but also compassionately. When I looked at him I fought the urge to whine. This isn't fair.

"Stop," I said again, but this time weaker. His gaze is clouded as he looked down at my lips then back at my eyes, seemingly in thought. My stomach felt weird, as if it's sinking yet floating at the same time. I contemplated pushing him away. "You always do this." I repeated. The first time I said it it was a general statement, but now I was referring to his haphazard tendency to do something nice out of seemingly nowhere... or this.

His lips parted. "Do what?"

I pushed him away, and his usual cocky persona returned in an instant, smirking with satisfaction. "Don't get all nervous on me, Shade." I felt my cheeks flare up even more.

"Would you just piss off - oh, my God."

He laughed hollowly, pure of entertainment. "You came to me, Shade."

"Because you got me into trouble with my father!" I shouted defensively, fed up with his antics. "Honestly, Draco," I stressed, standing up and looking at him with a desperate look. "I don't know what I've done to you, but you confuse me. One minute you're nice, then you're a prick-"

"You love it."

"I'm done," I said without hesitation. His expression immediately dropped, and he looked somewhat regretful. "Whatever. I'm sorry for what happened with Hermione, I'll talk to her about it." I said with no emotion, ready to leave. I walked around the sofa and go leave, opening the door. "Now you can tell your father I apologised."


I walked back into the blank atmosphere of my room, feeling my eyes sting as I ran a hand through my hair. I couldn't believe I was actually getting worked up over this. I can never actually talk to him. It's either him being a total asshat or doing things like... that.

How dare he, the sadness spilled away and now all that remained was frustrated anger. He could tell that I was falling for it - he could tell. A taunt. That's what it is. He's making fun of me.

More than anything, I was upset with myself because because of the fact that I was falling for it - the fact that while I wanted to push him away, I secretly didn't and wanted the attention - liked it. Liked that it was from him.

I wiped away the tear that split, letting in a steady breath and calming down slowly. Just wait until we're back at Hogwarts, I said bitterly to myself. But God, I'm only kidding myself. I acted like this now, but I knew deep down if it happens again I'll merely be the same deer in headlights.

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