19 Years Later

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I pulled the collar region of Scorpius' robes closer together. He watches me carefully and gives me a nervous look. I pull my hands away from his suit and hold the sides of his face.

"You're going to be fine." I assured him, standing up and looking at Draco expectantly.

He looks at me dumbfounded and I deadpan, gesturing to our son beside me. A look of realisation crosses his features and he quickly couches down, our daughter still on his back. She jumps off and grabs my hand.

"Get in Slytherin. Trust me." Was all Draco said to him.
"Draco!" I spluttered, surprised.
He chuckles at my reaction, but his face softens when he sees Scorpius shaking slightly.
"Hey, hey. I was kidding." He pledged, nudging our sons cheek his the knuckle on his index finger. "Ravenclaw or Slytherin are fine. Anything else-"

I quickly grab his face and push him backwards; taking his place. "Don't listen to your father, he's an idiot." I smiled. Scorpius nodded slowly.
Draco stands up from where he fell. "Now was that really-"

"Look who it is," I heard a gentle voice behind me. I feel my smile widen before I stand up and turn around, patting my clothes down. "You've gotten busy." The familiar voice of Chloe commented, looking me up and down humorously.
I laughed, still holding Zoe's hand. "Yeah, well," I patted my stomach. "Two's for quitters."

"Oh, I meant Scorpius and Zoe. I just thought you were fat."

Draco left my side to converse with Chloe's husband.

I let out a fake offended laugh. "Could say the same for you-" I pretended to look her up and down with a judgmental look. She grinned.

I remembered something. "Wait, where are the twins?"
She did a large nod of her head out of understanding. Stepping aside, two identical blonde girls with light green eyes looked at me cheekily. I smiled at my nieces.

"You know, it's funny," She started; her arm resting behind Faith's shoulder.
"What is?" I glanced from the two girls to Chloe.
"They're more like you than they are me."
I huffed humorously. "Is that true?" There was a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Well good luck to you if they turn out anything like me."
She looked ready to die at my words.

"Where's Harry and his lot?"
I turned behind me and spotted them, gesturing towards their direction.
Sensing someone's gaze, Harry turned to me and smiled wide; tapping Ron and Hermione's shoulder to get their attention, and then beaconing for us to come over. For some reason there was an orangutan beside him?

"Wow. Ignores me for Harry? Some world we live in."
I went still, looking over my shoulder, seeing Angelique with Finn next to her, along with a young boy on his back. "Sorry," I snorted, giving her a guilty and weak wave. "I knew something smelled, now I know why."
She deadpanned. "I'm your superior. Bow down."
I raised my eyebrows, holding my hands up.
She scrunched her nose, looking at something— or someone— behind me. "That hoe you're friends with is waiting for you."
Finn quickly spotted Draco and Chloe's husband, and walked over to them after Richie jumped off from his shoulders and ran to Harry's son, Albus.

"Come on," I tugged on Zoe's hand and took Scorpius', heading to the small group. Chloe followed closely behind with Faith and Hope, as did Angelique.

"Long time no see." I grinned, looking between them.
"Holy Merlin, Y/n, how many are you having?" Ron laughed. Whoopsies. Hehe, I got carried away-
"This is the last one," I promised, laughing.
"You and Harry, I swear. You're both going to deal with troublemakers. Just you wait."
"Scorpius maybe," I teased. "Zoe I reckon will be fine." I thought for a moment, quickly looking down at her, then to Scorpius, then back to Ron. "On second thought, I take that back.

I felt Scorpius let go of my hand. My e/c eyes watched him carefully as he swiftly went to talk to Rose and Albus, Hope and Faith quickly joining.

"Scorpius and Albus really seem to gravitate towards each other. It's quite ironic, isn't it?" Ron noted
I sighed. "Very."
"Reckon they'll be anything like what we were?" Ron said playfully as he looked over at the group of six as they chatted animatedly.
"I hope not," I snorted. "We were horrible when it came to behaving. Remember Umbitch?"
Ron looked like he wished he could forget the memory; his face going sour.
"Speak for yourselves." Hermione inputted, looking stiff. Hugo looked confused beside her.
"Yeah, yeah. We get it. Good at everything. But when is the only question I have." Angelique interjected, looking at Hermione sassily.
"When what?" Hermione looked lost.
"When did I ask?"
I snorted, holding in a laugh. Hermione looked offended, but also as if she were trying to shrug it off.

"They'll love it there," Harry said randomly, taking our attention. Chloe looked about to laugh. I mouthed to her asking what was funny.
She leaned in. "He gets so poetic about Hogwarts."

I looked back to Harry. "They will. Unless they have another Dolores- but we won't get into that." Only now did I notice Ginny next to him. "Oh, hi, Ginny." I THOUGHT SHE WAS A MONKEY BEFORE, I-
Knowing how I was, she just laughed. "Hi to you as well."
"Hey, Ranga." Angelique added.
Ginny didn't know how to respond, looking affronted. "Hey?"
Actually, her hair does look really orange.

The Hogwarts Express sounded, signalling it was time for departure. Scorpius, Albus, Rose, Richie and the twins all waved at us enthusiastically as they all ran to board the train, trampling over each other as they reaching the door, punching and kicking each other to try to board first. Richie ended up falling backwards, but another boy around his age with short cut brown hair quickly helped him up.

Soon enough, they were all inside a compartment- albeit cramped- shoving the top half of their bodies out the window and waving frantically at us with toothy grins as the train started moving along the tracks, pulling them out of the station slowly.

A hand rested on my lower back, and I glanced to see Draco waving to Scorpius with a relaxed, content smile. I smiled at the sight and continued to wave; wrapping my spare arm around Draco.

All was well.

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