Y1 C9~ The Philosopher's Stone

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Thankfully, we were able to locate Harry and make sure he weren't harmed. Luckily he was saved by a centaur that had been roaming the forest and happened to be nearby, scaring the cloaked individual away and saving Harry's life. I felt a little less guilty after finding out Harry was okay, wrapping my arms around him after we found him.

"Let's get you back to Hogwarts."

I unlinked my arms from around him and turned around to everyone else as we stick closely together on the way back to the castle. I was mostly relieved our detention was over and we'd soon be safe and secure inside the building, away from whatever that thing was. However, I wondered why it was drinking the unicorn's blood in the first place, but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind once we passed Hagrid's hut. Now wasn't the time, anyway.

"Don't want to ever do that again." Ron said while panting from the walk, out of breath despite it only being around twenty minute of walking.

"I relate to your laziness on a whole new level." I said, when my ankles began to really start to hurt, begging for me to sit down. I tried to keep my panting subtle so I wouldn't look unfit compared to everyone else.

As Gryffindor's began to chat between themselves, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Draco walking alone behind us with his eyes fixed on his shoes. I slowed down my pace, leaving the three conversing students to walk back on their own. They didn't realise I had slipped away and just continued to talk.

"Hey," I said softly once Draco had caught up with me, gaining his attention as he looked back up at me. "are you okay?"
He rudely rolled his eyes at me, and I blinked in surprise.
"I just wanted to say thanks," I continued regardless of his actions, choosing to dismiss the attitude. "y'know, for saving me from that cloaked-person-thingy." I fumbled, smiling sheepishly at him.

He starts to pick up his pace, giving me an irritated look. "Whatever. Save yourself next time." he said coldly, pushing past me and walking ahead, leaving me on my own.

Feeling hurt after trying to be nice, I picked up my pace to catch up to him. I really thought we had been getting along, but clearly I was wrong.
"I don't get you. You were nice to me at the dinner, and even helped me escape danger in the forest. I tried to be nice but clearly, you don't care."
Storming past him before he could respond, I left him to walk back to the Slytherin dorms alone.


"I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable." Hermione stated as Harry, Ron and I dodged animated students that were pushing past us in the hallway.

"Speak for yourself," Ron snorted once we stepped outside onto the grass at the back of the school. Students of all years poured out from the door to also come outside after being seated for hours on end, looking to stretch their stiff limbs.

Harry starts rubbing his scar, and Ron was quick to notice the mannerism. "All right there, Harry?" Ron asks his friend, looking at him with fixed concern.

Harry didn't look in our direction as he continued to rub his forehead painfully in an attempt to soothe it.
"My scar. It keeps burning."

I remembered our detention the other day in the forest, and looked at him funnily.
"Hasn't it happened before?" I ask, making him lower his hand to look at me - there was a bad feeling pooling in my stomach.
He shakes his head. "Not like this."
My concern only grew.

"Perhaps you should see the nurse," Ron looks at me, then back at Harry, appearing to have an idea. "Y/n can take you." Ron offers, nudging him slightly. I looked at the ginger like he just grew an extra head.

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