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A gem among the rough( A MHA AU story!)


I felt something in my hand. I opened my eyes and looked down. I was squeezing nothing. "какого черта?" I ask, still tired. I noticed a blanket on me and Utah. I reached for my phone. "What time?" I ask out loud, looking at the phone. 5:47 am. I groan. I only got 2 hours of sleep. Then I remebered. "ISIS!" I screamed, causing Utah to jump up in fear. 

"Wha-Whho's there? Nevada, stay away from my salt!" I stopped him. "Calm down, Юта. We're at the U.N. building, remember?" He nods. "S-Sorry. I'm just so out of it..." I laughed. "Me too. Me too." I shake my head and get up. "We should head in. The others should be in there." Utah nods and gets up, albiet sleppily. 

I look over at Ame and sigh. Still unconscious.


Thus, I watch as Russia takes my body into the meeting area. I shake my head. Whatever i am, I'm not seen by them, so...

I stop at the door, clutching my head. "I've become CON!" I yell. I'm literally like he was before he got a body! What the hell?! I grumble and walk through the door. I look at the door and just...How the hell? I can't feel a thing...except Russia's hand from earlier. I smile at the feeling of his hand in mine. 

I look around the room. The countries present were U.N.(Who was standing sleepily at the coffee table), E.U.(Who was still wearing his PJ's), ASEAN, Britian, Japan(Who was curled up in her chair like the cat she is), and Italy, who for some reason had an easybake oven out and was making something in it. (Probably pasta or pizza.)

Russia sat down and Utah climbed on the table. "Нет. Get off the table." Utah pouted. "It's so big, I don't want to sit on the chairs." Russia sighs. "Нет. It's not fair for the others." Utah looks around. "What others? I'm the only kid here!" 

Britain looks up from his book. "Child, at least three of the countires in this room are children at heart and would gladly jump and run on this table." Utah pouted as I laughed. "You're adults! Why would you climb on the table?" U.N. glided over to his seat and said, "Adults still want and do kid things. Like sit on a table."

Utah then gets off the table. Russia smiled. "That's better." He looked at U.N. "This is all that came?" He nods. "A few are at the hospital with the states, others are asleep, and Confederate hasn't answered any of our phone calls." Utah looks sheepish. "Utah?" Russia asks. Utah looks up, embarresed. 

"Um...We told D.C. to hide all the phones in her room..." Silence. I burst out laughing. "SERIOUSLY?!" I say, laughing. Utah looks up. "s-Sorry?" I just keep laughing. U.N. and Britain start scolding Utah about that, while I hear a ding from something. Italy smiles. The easybake oven is done.

I go over and take a look. He pulls out a rubber spatula and shoves it in there, getting something out. I watch in shock as he pulls out a perfect pizza. HOW???? I've tried Easybake oven food by myself and my kids and it looked and tasted like crap. SO how the-

I stop, pincing the bridge of my nose as Italy cuts up the pizza. Italy is Italy. I can't change that. "Deliziosa!" He says, eating the pizza. I just walk off. Italy does his own things. I look over at Japan, who had changed her position to long cat. I smile. 

E.U. is writing down a something on paper. I go in for a look. I stop. What the fuck...

E.U. was writing down about something I couldn't quite discern. But I could make out one thing. 'America doesn't have a soul??? How to get it back???' Great. GREAT. I'm a soul. So why didn't Russia shout in shock when he picked my body up? If I don't have a soul, wouldn't I be dead? Or is this what happens in comas?

I growl in frustration. 

The door slams open and I see a hoard of bodys enter the room. My kids. I smile. At least they're still alive. U.N. panics and hits Japan's chair, which shot her up like a cat toward the ceiling. I look at the height. I whistle. "Now that's something. Never thought that Jap could go that high without platforming."

'Tell me about it.' I stop, turning toward the voice. 

Confederate was staring at me with wide eyes.

He can see me. He can hear me.

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