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TODOROKI Reimagined Suit! I'm doing all the outfits I think could be better, Like MOMO's! Let me know if You want more CH art or the Reimagend suits!

E.U. (Real one)

I panted as dust and glass settled on me. KKK glared at me. "So, you escaped? How?" I walked forward. I grabbed him by the scruff of his collar. "Not going to tell you." U.N. ran up to KKK. "What is going on?!" KKK groaned. "That man is an imposter!" I yelled in anger.

"Oh COME ON! You believe HIM!? He kidnapped me! He's supposed to be dead! You HAVE 65 CHILDREN AND A COUNTRY IN YOUR GRASP TO TORTURE AND USE!" I ran up to him and snatched the pin I usally wear. 

His disquise faded. "You are KKK-A FULL BLOWN MONSTER AND AN EVIL-" I reeled my left arm. "BITCH!" and punched him. U.N. stumbles away in fear. KKK growled. He attacked me back. I dogged. "Come Back here!" I flew up, then stumbled in the air, as my wings are still injured. I saw Russia and Philiphenes holding down KKK.

He knocked them in the chest and face respectively. He shifted into me, agian and flew up. I doged him. He wasn't aiming for me. He got behind me and kicked me in the neck. I fell to the ground as he got away. I saw Poland go after him, only to fall down as well. 

I was quickly caught by Russia and U.N. My vision faded in and out until I finally passed out.


I coughed. USSR and Nazi were carrying, blindfolded and tied up me, somewhere. I think E.U. got free. Thank god. I was tossed into a hard wall, which I slid down. "God-" "p-Papa?" I gasped. "Ohio? Is that you?!" I heard a whimper. "Who else is here?" 

"Everyone!" I sighed in relief. "I-I'm glad you are okay. I was so worried. Are you all alright?" mOre murmmers. New York groaned. "They're taking us somewhere else? Why?"

I chuckled. "I set E.U. free. I'm guessing the made it to the others." Cheers went around. Alaska then asked, "How? And why E.U?" I told them what happened. Pennsylvania than said, "It makes sense. E.U. is faster flying than Dad running." I nodded. "And I didn't want to leave you all. I didn't knoww if you're alive. I wanted to take that chance." 


The blindfold came off and I gasped. I knew this place. Confederate's old home. I was in his room. Confederate locked the door. He tied me to the bed rest(You know the headboard thing on fancy beds) This isn't good. "Wh-What are you doing brother?!" He laughed.

"Making you pay. You killed me. You killed them. Now we're here for revenge." Ah SHIT. "Y-You're g-gona-" He did a double take, then blushed. "NO! 1) It's incestful and gay. 2) It's just torture, not your 'rape' thing." I did an internal sigh. 

I wanted it to be with Russia honestly. RUSSIA. Oh god he's worried. I never got to tell him! Confederate chuckled. "Nazi and ISIS will be in here to...Run experiments." I gulped. This wasn't good. Oh god. I hope everyone else is okay.


I sat down near the hospital bed, waiting for E.U. to wake up. He might know where America is. I need to know. Is he okay? I heard the door open, as a police officer entered. "I-I heard there was a country here?" I nodded. "A-Are you Russia?" I nodded again. He gave me a bouquet of flowers. They were Dasiys, red carnations, and tulips. In the middle was a Amayralis.

"Um..Thank you, but I already like someone." The officer gasped. "NO! It's not like that. I'm married. I-well, It was a request from America." I gasped. That explained the flowers. I heard from Canada that America also knows the language of flowers. "What?" 

"I'm Officer Miranda Rights. I was in Walmart when an attack happened. I passed America, who was carrying these flowers. He was scared. His kids were over were the attack started. He said if something happened, he wanted me to give you these." I looked at the flowers. I felt my eyes well up. "T-Thank you." He nodded and left.

I stared at the flowers. All of a sudden, E.U. jolted up. He looked around in fear. "R-Russia?" I nodded. He gasped. 

"Russia, we have to hurry!"

"W-What why?"

"They're back."

"Who? Who's back?"

"Your father, Nazi, Confederate. All of them. They're back, and theu're getting ready to rule the world."

RusAme- To much, not enough TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang