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It was 1:58 am, and I couldn't sleep. I wnat to, but I have to much work to do. I can't sleep. I need to stay a country, or else who will take care of the kids? You don't have to do this alone. Canada and Mexico will understand. They would know what to do, right?

I sighed. "I can't Con. Mexico hates me because of that stupid trump guy, and Canada just doesn't like me for being so unresponsible." If only they knew though... "They can't know. It's better for them to think I'm a lazy american than know about the 64 kids I have to protect. You know what happened last time someone found out about my states! I Killed them!"

I know. They were trying to kill innocent people. They were wrong. "I know...But I still hate it. Do you know how many countries I've killed? 6! 6 countries...Including you." You did what you had to do. "Is it really? Couldn't I have done it peacefully?" Confederate stayed silent. Ever since I killed him, he's taken residence in my consious. I kept working, finally finishing and got up with the papers. I walked downstairs to put the papers in my binder.

"It's pretty early. Do you think I should wake them up?" You should eat. Confederate bacame the overbearing brother that I needed after me and Canada fought. "I can't. You know what will happen." Then eat something light. I nodded and grabbed the bread and put butter on the end slice.

I silently chomped on the bread as I wrote a note to the kids. Make sure you don't set anything on fire. You are allowed to go to the beach as long as you keep everyone with you and Hawaii knows it's safe. Dad.

I smiled as I grabbed the binder. Make sure it's in there. I looked in it. "It's in there. Let's go" I yawned. I pulled in the parking lot, arriving early this time to the meeting. U.N looked suprised, as did all the other superpowers. Early morning meetings for world superpowers remember? You rarely make them. I nodded at them and sat down. "Wel, America, nice of you to join us. We were just going to talk about what to do with your...lateness."

I sighed. "Go on. What you got planned? Make me dissolve? I guess I Merentur. Я блядь Kadurjanan, aren-Akufanele lapha!!!" I covered my mouth. You're slipping, you need to get home. I know I know. "Désolé, je dois y aller, au revoir!" I started to run outside when my vision blurred. Hurry to the car. 

I started running before I was stopped by Russia grabbing my arm. "NÍL níl, lig ja idem, ty niehiểu biết! Мне нужно вернуться раньше-" I felt in my throat what was coming. I yanked my hand out of his, and ran.  He grabbed me agian. I blacked out. Next thing I knew, I was in my house, my kids piled around me.

I smiled then groaned. "What happened?" You had your attack. I took over and got you home just in time. "Thanks Con." What are brothers for? I smiled as I carefully got up. I checked the time. 5:00 pm. I started working on the dinner for everyone and I felt happy. You didn't sleep long though. Just a few hours.

I shrugged. "It's alright." After a little bit all the states and territories woke up, and I handed out dinner. We chatted and talked until Alaska asked, "Dad? Aren't you going to eat?" I shook my head. "I'm not that hungry. I'll take some in tommorw though. I'm not relapsing." Lies. Why did you lie to him?

Soon it was bed time. "Who wants to hear a story?" Everyone raised their hands. "I'll tell you the tale...of the mighty Dragon!" Everyone cheered. "But this time...things are different." 

"finally, after a long battle, the dragon layed his head to rest and lived as a statue for the rest of his life." I smiled as I ended the story. "Okay kids, it's time for bed, ok?" Everyone nodded and went upstairs. Except Hawaii. "He aha nā Hawaiʻi?" 

"D-Dad? I think you need help." "And why do you think that?" "You are always working and I'm worried that you might relapse...I don't want you to get hurt." I smiled and hugged her. "I told you, I'm not hurt. I am the strongest, right?" I made a muscle pose. She laughed.

"Yep!" "Besides, you are just a kid. I can handle this. Now head to sleep ʻAle pua liʻiliʻi." She smiled and went upstairs. I smiled. I started working hard, I had lost so much due to the attack I had. Even Confederate had gone silent. For once It was quiet. 

I love these kids so damn much.

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