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America was late. AGIAN

He was always late, no matter the day. After all, he's jsut so irrisponsible. I'm younger than him and I'm better at leading a country! Everyone was grumbling, even Canada. I bet even he's fed up with America by now. That's what he gets.


The door opened to reveal a sopping wet America. He wore his leather jacket and gray N.A.T.O. shirt, jeans and his sunglasses. U.N. coughed. "Care to explain why you are wet?" America tensed then said, "My car popped a tire, so I had to change it and someone decided it would be funny to throw a bucket of water out the window." U.N. nodded suspiciously. "Get dry then take your seat." He nodded and left for the bathroom.

A few minutes later America came back in, ready for the meeting. U.N. started talking about the things we need to do about the world. I took notes when I saw movement in the corner of my eye. America had put his head down on the table, obviously asleep. U.N. sighed and ignored him since he always does this.

Then, his phone rang. Loudly. He shot up and grabbed his phone. Everyone looked over at him. "WhAt?! StAy there-No!" He got up, and left. U.N. started to to yell at him. "AMERICA! GET BACK HERE! Russia, go after him, you have the longest legs! He's not skipping out on another meeting!" I nodded and ran after him. 

America didn't even look back as he jumped into his car and quickly, not giving me any time to stop him. "That Прыгающая сука"


I rushed toward my house, 10 miles away from any civilization. Quickly pulling a movie car park, I ran into my giant mansion. "DAD!!!!" I heard screaming, and saw fire. Quickly I grabbed the 5th-run fire extguisher and aimed it at the flaming bunch of kids on the floor.


After the foam cooled, I looked at the mess of 30-odd kids covered in ash and soot. I shook my head. "I've told you guys to stop roasting marshmellows over the states who are on fire. You're suppposed to put it out." I look over at the young boy who was hiding his face. 

"I thought you wouldn't do that Delaware." He hung his head.

"I htought it would be fine..." "Where are the others?" Delaware pointed to the now thundering staris as the other 30 children ran down the stairs. "DAD!" they tackled me and I held them up. How are you all you doing?" 

Rhode Island smiled and said, "Cali got Ari and Newnew on fire and They kicked a lot of us out, and I was extremly upset then Alaska called you and now you're here!" I smiled. I looked over at the clock. 1:25. I sighed. This was bad. I had skipped out on the meeting agian. If I did that again I'd be in big trouble. 

"Oh caramba" I whispered as I started to make a trip to the fridge. Opening it up, I saw it was empty. "Do we have any food left!?" I asked the house. I heard a response of 64 'no's. I sighed. I grab my keys,  and then say, "Massachusetts, you're in charge, I'm getting more food for the week!" 

"Bye dad! I'll make sure that no one discovers something that doesn't exist!" I laughed at the Phineas and Ferb reference, and drove to the nearest store.


I sighed. I had two carts of food, and I had none for me. "Probabiliter, non manducare nocte." I said as I reached the checkout counter. The young lady smiled. "Agian America? I feel sorry for you." I shrugged. 

"At least I didn't give birth to them." She smiled as we checked out the food. I grabbed the food and payed the money. I thanked god that I knew the way to carry 70 bags of food. I put the food the in the trunk before heading to my car when I heard a voice. 

"Amerika?" I tensed slightly. "Hello Russia." I said quietly. I don't hate Russia, he's really cool actually. He's really strong and mature. Unlike how everyone else sees me. "What are you doing here Сука?" 

"Getting food?" I didn't want to draw out the meeting any longer. I know that it'll end badly. "Really? Do you really need to eat so badly that you skipped out on the meeting?" I didn't want to say that i did, but if I explain the situation, I know he won't keep the secret. He hates me.

"Yep!" I got in my car and drove away.

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