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It takes me a bit to write because  I want to have at least 1000 words in each chapter, because I want you all to be happy.


Wow. It's nice not having to drive for once. I carefully got out of the car, keeping my slings close to my body. "You really didn't have to drive me." Milora shook her head. "Of course not! I wanted to, besides, I'm staying with you  until you heal, so it wasn't to much of a trouble." I smiled.

"Thanks. Are you sure Miranda will be okay with you staying with me for a month?" She nodded. "He knows you're gay. Besides He'll visit from time to time. Now, go inside, you don't want to be late." I waved her away. "Good luck! Texas, Ohio, and Florida are the trouble makers!" 

She drove away and I walked carefully to the building. I took a breath in and smiled. The day after a storm is always beautiful. I groaned as I saw the door. "UGHHHHHH!" I can't open the door, my arms are in slings! I sighed. I broke my left shoulder and the burns on my right arm and upper back caused me to have to wear slings.

I looked over. The spinny door was there, I just never payed attention to it. I quickly went through the door. I smiled, knowing no one else here since Milora dropped me off early. "Okay, now to open the other door." I sighed. I went to the door, and just stood there. 

It was a push. That was good for now, but after the meeting...I shook my head and went to my seat. I sighed. I want Confederate to talk to me, but after the ceiling fell on me, he dissapeared from my mind. "Is he mad at me?" I whispered. 

"America? What are you doing here so- Oh mein Gott!" I turned. Germany had walked in. "Hey there Germany." I wavered my smile. "Germany? What's wrong?" Oh no. Russia.


I heard Germany scream, so me and the others ran into the room. "Germany what's wrong?" He pointed to America, who was sitting at his desk, both arms in slings. "Блядь." The others came in. Japan gasped. Ukraine and Canada looked concerened and Poland was scared.

"Ame what hapened?!" Canada asked, forgetting that they had fought. America tensed. He mumbled something. "What was that?" America shrugged then hissed in pain. "Ame, please. I know we fought,but you're hurt! Are you okay?" 

America sighed. "Not really." We held our breaths, maybe we could get an answer about what happened the other day. "My house caught on fire last night, and some people were in there, so..." He trailed off, leaving us to look at each other. "Are you sure?" He nodded silently.

Time skip!


I sighed. Countries were asking me questions or ignoring me. It wasn't that bad though. I was still confused about why Canada was suddenly nice to me. I thought he still hated me. Maybe I can go out later, maybe ask him...No.

I sighed. I can't wait for this to fix itself. U.N coughed. "America." I looked up. "Yes?" He glared at me. "Care to explain why you are in slings?" I gulped. "Um....My house caught on fire last night, and some people were in there and I went in a-"

"BULLSHIT!" China screamed. "What?" I whispered. "You aren't able to care of anyone! Besides, why would YOU let people be in your house?" The other countries nodded in consideration. "You're just lying, aren't you?" U.N and E.U looked at me. 

"ARE you America?" I shook my head. I couldn't tell them. I couldn't explain that I have kids. "I'm not lying, I swear!" North Korea scoffed. He got up and went over to my desk. "I don't believe that, 뚱뚱한 자식" He grabbed my left arm, pulling it out of the sling.


Oh god. That scream. It pierced the air and everyone either covered their ears or watched in horror as America screamed at the top of his lungs. North Korea quickly let go of his arm in shock. America quickly grabbed his arm and ran. I followed after him. 

"America! Wait!" He stopped, panting and tears streaming his face from behind his sunglasses. "America, are you okay?" He laughed. "HELL NO! I'M NOT OKAY! NK JUST BROKE MY SHOULDER EVEN MORE AND-And-and" He started to sob. I quickly grabbed him into a hug. 

"I remember when Отец died, you were there. You took me into a hug just like this. You said you were sorry. You said...that you were going to try better. Is this what you meant?" America shook his head in my lower chest. 

"I-I didn't mean to kill him." He hiccuped. "What?" He pulled away from me. "I-I just wanted him to retire. He agreed with me. He felt that there was enough tension between our countries, and you all would rise well with his guidance.

"So we went to U.N and E.U to talk to them about this. They agreed. I-I didn't know-I swear I-" he turned and took off his sunglasses, wiping his eyes. "I-I should go. The doctor treating me is going to have a fit." I sighed.

"Do you want me to drive you?" America shook his head. "No Thanks. I'll call an uber. Thank you though Russia." He smiled and walked away pulling out his phone and clicking a button. In less than a second, a car arrived. He smiled and got into the car.

"Russia? Are you okay? You're crying." Ukraine came outside and patted my back. "H-He didn't mean to kill папа. America didn't mean to kill him." Ukraine gasped and hugged me. I smiled silently and hugged her. 

"Don't worry. I'm right here." Ukraine looked up. "Is America alright? N.K is getting yelled at by Germany and Canada. I looked at the direction he left. "He's going to the doctor. He said that NK broke his shoulder even more." Ukraine gasped. "Come on, we should get in. We still have another hour left."

I nodded, my mind wandering to the small but cute-wait, what? I shook my head. I knew I was bi, but for America? I sighed. Well, if папа and Предатель нацист taught me anything, it was that you fall for the weirdest people.

I just hope he's okay.

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