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Nauru grabbed the country in stripes and tossed him to me. "Get him to the U.N building!" I nod.  The country starts fighting other masked beings as I rush with Ame in my arms toward my car. I shove him in and then look at the kids who followed me. Utah (I think that's his name?) grabbed my hand. 

"I'm coming with you. It's dangerous for me to be here." He looks at Hawaii and West Virginia. "Get everyone else into the hospital to be treated. You have to let them do surgery on Ohio and Florida." They nod and run off. I look at the kid. He seemed like America when he was directing war strategys.

I get into the car and drive to the U.N. building. Utah sighs and looks out the window. "How did you know what was going on outside?" I ask. He huffs. "It's nothing. We have to hurry." Weird...but ok. I park the car and grab America. Utah trys to open the door and then curses. "It's locked! What now?" I shift around, finally putting America over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 

I pull out my phone and call ASEAN. I hear them pick up, groggily. "R-Russia? What are you calling me for?" I groan. "Open the front door we have a problem!" I hear clattering and the door opens. "Russia, it's not the time to be talking about alcohol-OH MY SHIT." The country gasped at the sight. Me, holding my uncounsious boyfriend over my shoulder with one of his kids by my side.

"What is going on?!" I shove him into the hallway. "Terroists at the hospital. Call an emergency meeting, now." ASEAN nods. I place Ame on a chair and collapse on the ground, exausted. Utah collapses next to me. "I-I think this'll be okay..." He muttered. I looked over at the young child. He looked tired and overworked.

"How did you know about this?" I asked him. Utah just smiled. "A secret." He stretches and yawns. "I-I'm going to sleep." He closes his eyes and after a few minutes, starts snoring. I yawn and close my eyes. Maybe I should get some sleep, I thought, slowly falling asleep.


It's getting so cold. I've lived through all my worse memories and I just can't deal with it. Why is this happening?! I just want a happy ending. That's all. So why is this happening to me?! I feel a jolt. Something's happening. But what? I can't tell. I need to know. Another jolt. It's stronger. My head hurts...Then, I feel a pit in my stomach. Another memory to relive. 

But somethings happening outside. I need to wake up. I can't go down into this again. I have to wake up. I HAVE TO SEE MY FAMILY! I feel the jolt again, and it feels like my head's splitting open. Something's going on...

What the actual fuck? 

I looked around. I was in the U.N. hallway. I saw my body in a chair, asleep. 'Am I astral projecting or something? OR AM I DEAD?!'  I scream, for I do not know. I see movement in the corner of my eye. I look to see on the ground Russia and Utah. They were curled up together, and I sighed. 'At least these two are safe.' I try to get closer to them, and I just...walk there?

Seriously, what the hell am I right now? I pat Russia on the ushanka. "Моя любовь..." I hear him mutter. I smile. Russia still cares for me. All of a sudden, the door slammed open. U.N. flew into the hall, looking sleep deprived. 'Are you okay?!' I ask. U.N. growls. "You have to be kidding me! America's kids kidnapping their own father? What did you raise them on?" 

Oh, so that's how I got here. I laugh. 'Freedom and a shit ton land.' U.N, esaperated flys away and soon comes bakc with two blankets. One he placed on me-my body-SERIOUSLY! And the other on Russia and Utah. U.N. then turns and flys off. I look over at Russia. He looked sleep-deprived. 'What's going on? Where are the others? What the fuck is happening to me?'

I sigh, tears forming against my will. I grab his hand, and uncounsiusly, Russia sqeezes my hand. And for that moment, I was there with him.

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