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Does this sound like something you would read? 

My abilities are bad, so I'm running an Inn instead!

No One POV

The states scanned the area and then escaped the household. They had already ducktaped California, who they knew was going to hum the mission imposible theme. As they ventured through their forest, Delaware held up his hand. 'Quick count.' He signed. He counted the states and face palmed. 

'where is Ohio?!' Everyone turned, looking for the state. "SORRY!" Ohio called from the back. "I left my-" Everyone shushed him. Ohio held up his hands in surrender. 'We go to the hospital now!' Utah signed. 'We kidnap dad back, then bring him here. ISIS won't take dad from the hospital if he isn't there!'

Everyone nodded. 'What about Russia?' Utah's face dropped. Florida smiled. 'Kill him?' "NO!" Everyone shouted, forgetting that they were supposed to be silent. Confederate looked up from the couch. "D.C, did you hear something?" D.C. shook her head. "NOPE! Nothing, nothing at all!" Con shrugged and went back to watching TV.

D.C. sighed and than muttered, "Keep it down guys!"


This is driving me CRAZY! Whatever is going on, I can't deal with it...What next? 

I feel something hit my gut. Something sharp. I open my eyes and nearly scream. Oh my god. I see them.  Delaware smiles in a room where I've never seen before. "Ok. D.C will watch the territories, while we will go find ISIS!" What? "NO!" Why would they do that?! They'll kill you...I shake my head.

You won't do something this stupid...will you? I shake as the image dissolves and I feel someone grab me. "Wha-" I can't move. "Let go!" I try to thrash about, but I can't move. What is going on? Is this something that's happening in the real world? Or is it because of a dream? I can't tell. 

I'm just so scared...I'm scared. It's going so bad. 

No One POV

The states soon arrived at the hospital. Apparently 50 kids naruto running at 25 mph isn't very noticeable. ANYWAYS. The kids scan the perimeter of the area and guard it as the two strongest states climb the side of the hospital to their dad's room. The states were California(Still gagged) and Texas(Also gagged. He talks a lot in stressful situations.)

Texas opened the window and sneaks in, Cali behind him. They saw Russia, laying his head near Ame's shoulder. Cali awwed silently and then started to disconnect the things on his body. Texas moved Russia off of the bed carefully. Russia's body slipped onto the floor, but Texas caught him in time and lay him on the chair.

Cali smiled and together they lifted their dad and carefully out the window to a harness that they left out earlier. They lowered the tarp carrying Ame to the ground, following soon after. They reached the ground and New York smiled. "Good job! You both have the abilty to talk returned to you now." Maryland ripped off the duct tape. 

Texas screamed, only to have his mouth covered by Cali's. Cali just grinned through the pain. The kids gathered around the unconscious father. "Oh, he really look like shit." Nebraska said. "I still say we leave him back in the hospital room." Alaska said. Delaware laughed. "It'll be fine!" Alaska grumbled. 

"I'm going up to the room. Russia is going to kill someone if we don't explain why his boyfriend is missing." Hawaii latched onto his waist like a monkey. "Coming with!" Utah shuddered. "I'll come too." The three left the group and went into the hospital. The others looked at each other and shrugged.

"Let's GO!" They started to pick up the body.


Alaska pinned Utah to the wall, Hawaii still clinging to the waist. "What did you do?" Utah held up his hands in defense. "Nothing! Just a bad feeling..." Alaska sighed. "You always get bad feelings. And they are always wrong." Utah protested as they entered the elevator. 

"When? They aren't always wrong!" Alaska laughed. "What about the time you thought a shark was coming onto the beach, but it was a dolphin?" Utah blushed in embarresment. "That's different..." He muttred. Hawaii looked over. 

"ʻUulopa. After we leave a note, we can go check on the others, ok?" Utah nods. They head into the room, just as a sickle embeds itself straight into the wall outside. It nearly hit Alaska. Russia looked over, pissed. "Where. Is. America." Alaska gulped. Hawaii hid behind him, and Utah just dissapeared. 

Russia blinked and shook his head. "Do you know?" Alaska shakes his head. "Just wanted to check on you! He isn't kidnapped by our siblings!" In an obvious manner that made Russia even more pissed. "WHY." Alaska backed out of the room. "Don't kill me!" He said. Russia stormed out of the room. "Why is he being kidnapped by his OWN KIDS!?" 

Before they could answer, Utah reappeared, totally messed up and dirty. "When did you get here?" Russia asked. "NO TIME!" Utah replies. 

"I just came from the next chapter and we have a huge issue!"

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