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"Almost there. Be quiet. Use sign launguage. You know that right?" I nodded. He led me through the overgrown bushes. It was prickly. I kept my pain inside; I didn't want to alert anyone. 'Look. Second window that is barred on the second floor. That's where he is.' I nodded. 'We can't get in formt he outside. Any other suggestions?' He shook his head.

Dammit. I sighed. 'Back door?' 

'probably, but this is Confederates house when he was alive. I don't new.' New? Oh! It was know. I nodded. 'Let's try it anyway.' We snuck out of the bushes, staying toward the edge of the forest that surrounded the place. We soon saw the back door. I ran to it, trying to open it. Locked.

I looked at him. 'what?' I rolled my eyes and took off my ushanka. I dug around in it until I found the gift I had gotten from Finland and Estonia. A lockpicking kit. Dad looked shocked. 'How do you?' I smiled, putting the ushanka back on. 'You can lead troops into battle easily, I can store things in my ushanka.' I worked on the door. 

I'd never used this before, so it took me a minute. But I got the door open. We snuck in quietly. I perked up, hearing voices fromthe basement. "I don't care if you are hungry! I'm not getting you food! Starve for all I care!" 'ISIS' Dad signed. I nodded and was about ot move when I heard a familiar country accent.

"Dad always fed us, right Y'ALL?" Cheers and yeses. "Well I'm not your dad!" Jeers and sneers. "Shut up!" "ни за что! You can't control them! They're crazy!" Scream of fustration. ISIS started to march upstairs. I panincked. Quickly I shoved us out of the house. I heard ISIS mutter to himself. 

"Stupid little kids. Intruppting my work. I don't see why I should just kill them." His footsteps stopped. "Hmmm Maybe? Nah, I'm not that bad. But they might shut up if I kill one. maybe the little girl." His foot steps went away from the door. Dad looked over at me. 

"What's wrong?" 

"H-he's going to kill Hawaii." Father growled. "Let's get America first, than them." I nodded. We went back inside, and quickly went upstairs. папа counted the doors. He pointed to the second on to the end. I nodded. I turned the knob. Unlocked?

'I'm going to stay here. He probably thinks I'm still bad.' I nodded. I'm almost here Ame.


I hadn't seen ISIS at all today. He must be busy. Not that I mind. But the more I'm alone, the more my depression is setting in. I really won't be saved. I knew that. I took a deep breath. No. I won't lose hope. Not yet. Rus-He might be dead, but I know my kids are alive. 

I sighed. I needed to stay strong. I heard the door click. I shut up. ISIS? I closed my eyes in fear as door. "America..." I opened my eyes. "R-Russia?" I whispered. 

He was really here. He looked rugged, had some scrapes on his face and clothes. "I-I thought-You-I..." I started to cry. He ran up to me and hugged me. I laughed. "RUSSIA!" I whispered. He let go and untied my hands. I rubbed them, then threw myself on him. 

"Get my flowers?" I asked. He nodded. "They were crushed, sorry." I shurgged. "It's fine." I said, leaning in. "I have the real thing right here." 

And I kissed him. 

For the first time in my life, I kissed someone. He saved me. Russia saved me. I realesd. He smiled, a bit dazed. "Wow." He said. "How did you find me?" Russia smiled. "I got through to папа." I frowned. 

"What?" Russia then said, "A little remembrance goes a long way. He isn't bad anymore." I smiled and got up. "Soviet?" I asked. USSR came in nervously. I looked at him. His eye wasn't the dark brown of before, but the amber color from long ago. 

I went up to him. "I missed you. Life is kind of crazy without someone to fight." he laughed quietly. "Don't you have kids?" I nodded then jolted. "We need to save them!" the two nodded. They led me down to the basement. I went in first and gasped. 

My kids. In a cage. They started to exclaim, but I shut them up. "I'm glad to see you too, but we need to be quiet." They nodded. Russia dug in his hat and pulled out a lockpicking kit. After a little bit, we freed my kids. 

"Hey there guys. How are you?" the older ones smiled. Hawaii came up to me. "D.C. grew up!" I looked over at the little girl who was now aroud the same age as Hawaii. I smiled. Russia sighed. "We need to concot a plan. Right now the other countries re fight the former dead ones." USSR nodded. Texas smiled. 

"Dad!" He whispered yelled. "Can we do the Bull Run?" I thought for a second. "Sure." 

"HOUSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A BULLL RUNNNNNN!" 

Texas yelled as soon as we got out of the house. It echoed around the place. USSR looked at me. "You just let ISIS know that you got out." I smiled. "Wait for it..." 

"Что за херня!?!?!"

I smiled as Houston, Tallassee, and Columbus(Who is a BUCK) arrived, carrying three huge carts. "To your battle stations, kids!" I yelled as the last animal came into view. Kanas' Bison. Topeka. It stopped in front of me. "Hop on guys." The two russians looked at me, than Russia got on. Soviet soon followed. 

"Is this safe?" I shook my head. ISIS ran out with anger. "COME BACK HERE!" 


RusAme- To much, not enough TimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora