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TW: Torture, Homophobia, Ect.


I need to stay alive. E.U. passed out. I couldn't move. I could barely lift my head. I felt blood fall on the floor. ISIS walked up to me and lifted my head. "You look so bored. How come?" He asked sarcastically. I weakly shrugged. "N-Not the first time I was kidnapped." I whispered, my voice weak.

ISIS laughed. "Really?!" I nodded. We sat there in scilence. He slapped me. "Aren't you going to tell me?!" I shook my head. "Bit to personal. Maybe if you let me see my kids-" "Your kids aren't going anywhere!" He got up, muttering something like, 'this is why I HATE gay people.'

I rolled my eyes. Excuse you! Gay people are better than you! I sighed. This was so familiar.

I curled up in the corner. I had just done another session with him. I was hurt and beaten. 

"Are you okay?" I looked up. It was the other boy, Canada I think. "no." I sniffed. "I want my mom. I want my brother. I don't want to hurt anymore." He hugged me lightly. "I think it'll be better. You just have to stay strong. Right America?" I nodded. He looked around. 

"I have to go. Dad will be mad if he finds me here! Bye!'"

I smiled at the memory. I heard the footsteps. I looked up. USSR. He smiled and closed  the basement door. "I heard you like flowers." He pulled out a bouquet of white lilies and daffodil flowers. "d-death and rebirth?" I whispered. He looked at the flowers. 

"Oh. Confederate said they ment that you're going to die." I chuckled. 'E-Even evil, he still is a prankster. No, they mean death and rebirth. There aren't any flowers that really mean that alone." USSR groaned and threw the flowers on the ground. 

"Can't wait to kill you..." "I know." I whispered. He looked at me. He turned and rolled his eye. He left, leaving me alone with E.U. I looked over at him. He started to stir. He groaned and opend his eyes. "A-America?" "Yep." He groaned in pain and annoyance. I laughed a bit.

"I know. I want to get out of here to." E.U. chuckled as he sat up, chains still around his arms and legs. "Do you think they will find us?" I nodded. "KKK can't impersonate more than one country, and He's impersonating you. Sooner or later the countries of the world will realize something is up." He nodded.

"I meant before they descide to destroy everyone." Oh. "I-I don't know." I felt tears start to well up. "It's hard, you know? I'm trying to stay positive, but this is the third t-" I realized. I quickly shook my head like a dog. 


On the floor near my feet was the bobby pin I use to put my hair up at night. I never took it out. I totally forgot about this until I remembered how I was kidnapped last time. E.U. gasped. I scootted the pin toward E.U. "Me? wouldn't you-" "No. You're way faster than me. Even with broken wings, I'm sure you can get to the place even faster than I would."

"I-I don't want to leave you alone!" I glared at him. "I've survived 3 explosions, multiple stabbings and getting shot multiple times. I'll be fine. Get out of here." He nodded and quickly worked the bobby pin. Soon he was free.

He stood up. "I'm leaving through the window." I nodded. "Take the bobby pin with you. I'm not going to try to escape. I know that would be worse. Go! Hurry!" He nodded and climbed out the window. "Be safe, will you?" 


"I don't know. It's been three days! He still hasn't responded! Could he be dead?!" U.N. and Canada stopped me. "Russia. America is fine. We just got an email saying that he's taking a few days off. Apparently some of his kids fell and broke bones." I nodded. "Ok. Thanks. We should get ready for the meeting." 

We sat down as E.U. came in to grab his papers before going to his seat. Soon all the countries of the world were seated down at the tables. U.N started to go on about Climate change, a tiny virus that China recently cured named after a beer, and the terrorist problems. E.U stood up during the Terroist thing and clicked a slide.

U.N smiled. "okay then next topic, What will we do about America and his kids? It is something that needs to be said." E.U. coughed. "Perhaps we should find them a baby sitter." Canada sighed. "Let's not. The kids are freaking crazy. I don't know how Ame does this." Everyone else in the APS agreed.

Britain scoffed. "How crazy?" North responded, "10 of them catch on fire each day, a bunch are babies, and three of them are literally demons." I nodded. U.N sighed. "Lets keep that for another day when America is here."

"We have reason to believe that the terroists involved with the radar problem was trying to kidnapp a human from every country. Just one." He pointed to the pictures take of people in black garbs hiding out in alleys.

"There is also a chance that they may be trying to work on some stupid drug." Everyone murmured. E.U. smiled. "However, me and U.N. have devised a plan! We'll take a sample of saliva every morning to make sure you aren't infected. Is everyone okay with that?" Nods and 'ayes' echoed the room.


As the dust cleared, Someone stood up. "NAY!"

"No way...How did you-"


RusAme- To much, not enough TimeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat