Chapter 50

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Jimin P.O.V
I was wrapped in a sea of warmth as my eyes fluttered open, something fuzzy and soft was tickling off my nose as I let my eyes adjust to the sunlight. My heart skipped a beat as I lifted my body a little, the soft sheets around me slipping of my naked body while jungkooks chest seemed to glisten in the light. He stayed this time.

"Kookie get up, it's 7:30 I need to go to school"

A laud squeak left my lips and his body turned, his arm hooking around my waist while his face nuzzled into my back.

"Can't we just stay here?"

I ran my fingers through his hair, letting my eye take in how peaceful he looked before planting a kiss on his cheek.He really was cute when he slept.

"Nope get up, I'm gonna shower first"

"Can I join?"



Maybe it was because of last time, but I couldn't help this empty feeling in the bit of my stomach as I attempted to dry my hair with the towel. My cloths felt looser than usual, my too hung a little lower, my belt needed to be a little tighter everything just felt different.

My eyes widened as I opened the bathroom door to find jungkook dresses and sat on the bed, his eye lingering on me a little longer than usual before they bounced back to his phone.

"I'm gonna go home and showering , I didn't Wonna' leave without telling you again"

His voice was soft, a fluffy feeling lingering in the air as again rolled off his tongue. He'd actually waited for me to come out so he could say he was leaving? I couldn't help but smile a little, my hands fiddling with the hem of my shirt; why was I feeling nervous now!

My eyes widened for a moment as jungkook took his phone to his ear, a name leaving his mouth that right now I really didn't want to hear.

"I slept at a friends, I'll meet you at school tae... hmmm yeah, bye"

His eyes darted to mine, watching me as froze. I was a dickhead, point blank dickhead. Me and tae weren't dating, he'd done nothing but kiss me that one time, we didn't hold hands, we didn't do anything like that at al yet I couldn't stop myself from feeling like a completely idiot. How was I gonna' explain this? Tell him this?

Jungkook must of realised my brain was going into overdrive as he'd now ended up in front of me, his large hands cupping my cheeks.

"Hey look at me"

His body weight shifted to my height as I tried to glance anywhere but at him; failing miserably. His eyes had a soft expression on them, his lips pursed together while his hair fell messing across his forehead.

"You don't have to tell him yet, we don't have to tell him"

My heart sank, maybe it was because deep down I knew my answer should of been no, that tae deserved to know. I could even of been the fact that part of me wanted him to say he has to know, that everyone had to know but then again what even were we. Nothing was official, he could leave at any moment, maybe I was scared to lose tae in case I lost jungkook again. What ever the reason was I found myself relaxing into his touch and nodding.

"Everything gonna be fine, I'll act like nothing happened"

A lump formed in my throat as I watched jungkook walk to my bedroom door, a sad smile on his lips before he disappeared from sight.

Was this really okay?

Jungkook P.O.V
I really needed to manage my time better, it was nearly lunch and I'd only just walked into school. I don't know how it even happened, could of been the fact I'd spent over an hour rolling around my bed but I'm gonna blame the bus, definitely the bus.

My eyes scanned the faces off people as I walked across the grass to the cafeteria, the sun half blinding me in the process. I found myself haltering in my tracks, my eye glued to the table of people across from me. Everyone was sat there laughing, except jimin who's eyes were locked to mine. I couldn't help but scowl as I watched tae sling his arm over his shoulder, pulling Jimin I'm closer before waving at me.

"You late again?"

His voice was carried by the wind, an annoying smirk plastered across his face while Jimin awkwardly shuffled but didn't once lose eye contact with me.

"Yeah, need a shit I'll see you in 3rd"

I ripped my eyes from them, watching the way tae shrugged before continuing like I was never there. My feet scuffed down the corridors and to my locker, harshly throwing my bag in before slamming the locker shut.

I wasn't annoyed, nope. Definitely not annoyed in the slightest. I'm not jealous either, I was the one who said we would act like nothing happen. So I jeon jungkook was definitely, most certainly not annoyed and jealous.

Who was I kidding?

My hands eagerly rushed to my phone, pulling it from my pocket before typing faster than my brain could process. I was fine, completely calm. Obviously .

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