Chapter 44

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Yesterday evening

Jungkook P.O.V
"Hahahhaha fuck no"

My eyebrows furrowed as I let the words fall from my lips. Why was I lying right now, why was I pretending like what just happened was nothing more than a shag?

"You sure dude, you've been somewhere else recently but when you're with him you seem to..."


Why RMs words annoyed me so much I didn't know, why I was so scared to tell my friends that my feelings for him were real was beyond me but for some reason when they asked me I found myself instantly rejecting the idea and throwing him away like he was nothing.

"No need to get defensive"

Silence fell us all. My back aching as I awkwardly tried to curl myself into a ball on Jhopes sofa; what was I hiding from?

"He's all yours then tae, haha you can finally tell

My eyes widened a little, my stomach sinking as my breathing stopped. Tae? Tae likes him? I felt my jaw slack a little as I watched tae laugh at Yoongis words, shrugging them off like they were nothing but not denying any of it.

I found myself abruptly standing up, my eyes focused on the living room door in front of me as the shouts from my 'friends' became like background noise to the rapid  beating of my heart.

Tell him? Tell him you like him, that you're better for him than I am? That you can take care of him, help him? Everything I can't. I know that already. But for the first time in a long time I'd found something I wanted to hold on to, to protect and here it was being ripped from me before I even had it.

"I can't compete with him"

The words were barley audible as I slammed the door behind me, the cold wind hitting my face as threw my hood over my head before plunging my headphones into my ears and walked off.


So that led me here, my hands gripping to the inside of my coat pockets, balling themselves so tight I swore I could of drawn blood. My eyes fixated on the scene in front of me, I could do nothing more than freeze in my tracks and stare.

I'd ran through the corridor after Tae like sonic the hedgehog, Jimins small face flashing in front of me over and over again like a nightmare. Was I really just gonna let it end like that? act like I don't know him? Like his scent wasn't stuck to me like glue?

It wasn't like I hadn't notice how they acted around I each other, how protective Tae had become but I chose to ignore it, forget it, I didn't think I'd end up here. But here I was, stood in the doorway of the corridor that led to the roof, watching them.

Tae P.O.V
His hair felt soft against my chin, his small arms wrapped around my waist as his muffled tears and cries were dampened by my jumper.

Maybe I was a dick for taking advantage of this situation, maybe I was down right horrible but I couldn't stop myself from wanting to hold him, tell him everything was gonna' be alright and that I was here. I know he didn't understand my intentions at least, I'd been carful not to slip up and make it obvious about my feelings.


My hand instantly went to the back of his head, letting my fingers run through his hair as his words disappeared.

"Shhhhh, its okay"

I could feel his legs give way, his hands clasping to anything they could as I slowly lowered us down the wall, his body kneeling in between my legs as he sobbed.

Jungkook really was a dick this time, does he really not realise how vulnerable Jimin really was or was he simply just choosing to ignore it for what he wanted? Was what I saw that day when I barged into Jimins room just part of his little game?

I wasn't sure how long we had stayed like that for, his small little body seeming even smaller as he curled himself up. I wanted to tell him everything, but I knew it would only hurt him more so instead I decided to cheer him up, let him forget. I wasn't being sly, more supportive; I think.

"Jimin... lets get out of here?"

I waited for a response, the few seconds of silence feeling more like a lifetime before a mumbled 'okay' graced my ears.

I lifted us both from our position, pulling my jumper off over my head and onto his before pulling the hood up. People didn't need to see him like this and he didn't need to see anyone else. I halted on the spot a second, watching as he rubbed the sleeves against his eyes trying to dry away the never ending flow of tears.

"Come on"

I took his small hand in mine, closing his fingers around my hand before pulling him behind me softly. I didn't really know where I was taking him or what was going to happen next but all I knew was I wanted to take him away, from here, from the pain.

"He's such an idiot"

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