Chapter 8

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Jimin P.O.V
If I didnt feel like the life had been drained out of me before, I bloody do now.

Ill be the first to admit I have an attitude problem sometimes, my anger gets the best of me and usually I hated the fact I let the smallest things ruin my moods. But right now I was more annoyed with the fact that that tall bastared rendered me Speechless. No matter how much I wanted to fight back to him, open my mouth to talk, my body wasnt letting me.

My hands were sweaty, my heart hitting my ribs that little harder than usual and the way his breath tickled the small hairs of my neck sent shivers down my spine.

Why did he make me feel so week?

I let a breath out I didnt realise I was holding, my body slumping back into the ground as I watched jungkook leave through the roof doors.

Seriously what was his problem?

Managing to stumble to my feet, I grabbed my bag and made my way towards my next class, music. For some reason what had happened moments ago had my mind in a blur, the uneasy feeling that had been building uo inside me all day, now seemed even worse and I wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep at this point.


He was sat there with tampon at the back of class, that smug smirk that never seemed to leave his face seeming even bigger than before. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head as our teacher entered the class.

"Hello class, today, like I said, Ill be partnering you up with someone for the next project. Ive decided on the partners, so do me a favor a keep your traps shut. Ok"

I felt relieved knowing i wasnt the only snapy Fuck in the classroom at this moment in time, but as the words began to fall out her mouth about how she picked our partners i found my head subconsciously moving to face jungkook.

"Plesse not him"

"When I call your names please move with your partner to a seat"

I found myself gripping the side of my jumper like my life depended on it, my stomach doing flips, vomit practically falling out my mouth; I had a really bad feeling about this.

"Taehyung your with Jisu"

"Taemin your with wonho"

"Bambam your with Rosa"

The teacher continued to flow names out her mouth, reading off a small piece of paper on the desk. Today really wasnt going the way I wanted it to and I just knew I was either gonna get placed with that cock or someone I hated just as much.

If im being honest, Id rather have done the whole thing alone, people at this school and me didnt really mix. Me and people didnt mix, but my mum said this woukd be good for me, a new start.

"Jungkook your with..."

There it was, his name. I really couldnt tell you why I hated him so much, why I found him so ugly and annoying, why jumping out the window and onto broken glass sounded more fun that being his partner. I just hated him.

"Jimin... Yes your with jimin"

Suddenly the air became thick, suffocating even. My small fingers practically ripping the material of my jumper as my name follow after his. Was this seriously fucking happening to me? Today of all days? Now of all time? With him of all people?

I felt like I was being sucked into a giant hole, part of me wanted the ground under me to swollow me up.

Why the Fuck did it have to be him?

The room seemed to become very quiet after that, maybe it was only me but the silence felt like it lasted hours, maybe even years.

I was soon dragged from my thoughts when I felt something warm touch my knee. My head darted up, I instantly regretted my actions when I came face to face with thay gangly Fuck, his lips tugging up at either side, his body leaning into me a little while his leg rubbed past mine.

"Guess we just cant keep away from each other, huh kitten"

My eyes widened as his face moved that littke closer to mine, his mint breath fanning off My nose, my body wouldnt seem to move, to speak, nothing; I found myself just staring at him wide eyed. This had to be a fucking joke.

If I hadnt killed myself by the end of the day, I was killing him.

Sorry this chapter it a bit lame... Needed to get this bit added though and you all must of realised how much I hate rushing everything when I write.

Thank you for over 500 reads, doesnt seem a lot but it means a hell of a lot to me. If some how I can get this to 1k in the next three chapters and 'bite me if you can' to 500 in the next two chapters im going to take a smut request from someone as a special chapter.

Dont forget to vote!. And thank you so much

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