Chapter 13

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Authors P.O.V
Small little jimin had spent the rest of the night pacing back a forth his room, anger boiling inside himself, oddly enough not towards jungkook though.

He knew he couldnt blame him, hes the renowned jeon jungkook, infamous play boy, what else did jimin expect to happen when he let himself be touched by him so easily.

The smaller decided he woukd ignore the feeling of jungkooks lips agaisnt his, ignore the beating of his heart and the butterflies that swarmed round his stomach. He was getting a cold that was all, systems of the flue.


Jimins alarm abruptly woke up from his short, pointless amount of sleep, causing him to literally throw the stupid clock across the room till he was satisfied with the complete silence that had took over.

His hair stuck out in every direction, his eyes puffy from lack of sleep and I felt as dirty as dirty could be, all this adding onto the horrible incident yesterday and his lack of sleep made it safe to say that to say was probably the worse day for anyone to piss him off.

Jimin pulled himself from the warmth of his sheets, wobbling as he made his way to the bathroom to wash up. He knew full well today was gonna be a night mare and nothing sounded more pleasing than going back to sleep and ignoring that fucking twat for as long as possible.

Jungkook P.O.V
"You did what" tae harshly slapped my shoulder as we stood backs pressed agaisnt our lockers.

"I kissed him, you should of seen his face"

I couldnt help but feel really smug about my actions, not only did I manage to kiss him and so fast, proving to everyone no one was out of my league, I found out that his cocky act is just that. He was nothing more than a stuck up virgin and this set a spark inside my stomach, this was going to be more fun than I though.

"What was he like" god was tae always this nosey?

"Well he is clearly a virgin, maybe I was even his first kiss, but all credit to the shrimp, he kept up"

Another smirk made its way to my lips as taes mouth fell open, a look of utter disbelief showing before a mischievous smile replaced it, sometimes I forget hes just as much as a dickhead as I was.

Honestly, the thought of going anywhere near that boy made me feel sick to my stomach at first, but a bets a bet and I needed to prove that no one, not even him was to good for me.

That all being said, I couldnt stop the sensation of his lips pressing agaisnt mine, the warmth that radiated from his chest and the way the soft skin on his hands tickled the back of my neck.

I shakes my head literally, ignoring all those feeling as I pushed myself away from my locker, grabbing tae by his neck and pulling him.

"Dick that hurts"
"I dont want to be late for music... If you catch my drift"

Jimin P.O.V
So far, id done a great job of avoiding that idiot, yep, the whole hour before class I managed to not bump into him once, it was giving me a small sense of relief. But my whole body tensed as the classroom door swung open, two laud figures storming through and causing everyone in the room to stare.

I didnt need to. I knew exactly who the hell it was. Giraffe boy and his sidekick tampon. Seriously, of all days for them not to skip class it was today, my mood was about to go from irritated to fucking pissed real quick.

I heard the seat next to me screech across the floor, the noise sending a wave of anger through my body. The next thing you know the whole class was talking among themselves, I lifted my head a little, making sure not to look to my left, not wanting to associate myself with him any more than I had to. The teacher was no where to be scene, not even a small trace of her, my eyes then made their way to the clock.

Fucking hell I spaced out for nearly half an hour.

"Whats up kitten, youve been staring at your hands the whole time"

There it was, that annoying ass voice, his whisper lingered in the air, his hot breath tickling my ear as his head leaned towards mine. I wanted nothing more than to punch the smug look i knew he had plastered on his face clean off, but the same words repeated in my head.

"You have to do as I say"
"Ill tell everyone about you little habits"
"Kiss me"

Everything made my blood boil, my hands turning white as I clenched my fists tightly toether but I couldnt risk seeing my mum look at me the way she did a year ago, I couldnt watch her leave me there again.

I wasnt really sure what information jungkook had on me, but from what id heard and seen he wasnt one to do things half heartedly, so I wasnt ready to risk it, my mum was finially happy. So right there and then I decided no Matter how ugly and annoying he was, id just ignoring him untill I needed to interact with him and that woukd be it.

For my mum.

I really want to say thank you to everyone who supported me yesterday and every other day for that matter. The people who read all my stories and comment with so much love i really appreciate and love each and everyone one of you!

I'm sorry this chapter might be lacking but I bet you're  all wondering what jimin did, where he was left? You're  all just gonna have to keepers  reading and find out.

Dont forget to vote!

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