Chapter 24

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Jimin P.O.V
God he was annoying, how the hell did anyone put him with his playfulness and rambling? That's what I thought at least but after a three hour phone call at midnight and spending a 30 min bus ride with him to school today i was finding myself oddly enjoying his company.

How me and tampon... I mean tae had ended up talking for three hours on the phone I'm not sure, but all I know was he tricked me by saying he needed to tell me something about jungkook when he really didn't. And as for the bus ride to school... the fucker followed me from the shop near my house; stalker.

I was currently sat in maths class, my fingers tapping against the screen on my phone as my head lulled back and forth. We currently had a supply teacher which meant no work for any of us, jungkook and tae included.

Every now and then I found my eyes wondering over towards the two idiots which sat opposite me across the room. Tae was trying to draw something on jungkooks face while all jungkook seemed to be doing was trying to sleep and pushing him away.

Jungkook hadn't so much as looked at me since yesterday and tae wasn't talking to me much in school, using the excuse he was waiting till the right moment to tell jungkook we were now friends. I wasn't really sure why, it wasn't like jungkook was my boyfriend, he didn't need permission to be around me, then again, why would I care for either of them and what they do; jungkook was a player and tae was a randomer to talk to while I was bored, nothing else.

I was so deep in thought I hadn't even realized class had ended and tae was currently standing next to me with his finger in my ear.

"Hey what the fuck are you doing?"

I squatted away his hand, my eyebrows furrowing as a box like smile made its way to his face.

"Waiting for you, were eating lunch together"

Maybe I was hearing things, I swear he said we were eating lunch together... what?

"What about your image, wouldn't want to taint that would we?"

I didn't realize how blunt my words had been till it was to late, a shocked look playing across his face as he stepped back a little for me to get out and grab my bag. I couldn't help it, I was annoyed, one second they were all calling me out in the cafeteria and annoying me in the corridors and now jungkook was being weird, tae wanted to be friends and I was about to each lunch with them? What was their problem seriously.

"What image? That's their thing, I don't really care"

I couldn't help but tilt my head in confusion as tae shrugged at me before making his way towards the classroom door, his hands slumped deep into his pockets while he hummed along to some song.

"What happened to judging a book by its cover ay?"

It was odd really, I found an annoying yet small smile make its way to my lips as tae leaned into the door frame wiggling his eyebrows at me.

It was early days yet, id only been speaking to him for a day and last week I was some sort of joke target, but maybe he wasn't so bad, maybe I really did misjudge them, well tae at least.

I felt a long arm wrap around my shoulders before a breath tickled the small hairs near my ear, my body instantly freezing as his words filled my ears.

"Plus this way you can see jungkook more"

My eyebrow twitched as I found myself glaring to the side to look at him, this little punks gonna get it now.

"You wonna die?"

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